Page 40 - Sothebys HK Dragon Emperor April 2024
P. 40


             PROPERTY FROM AN IMPORTANT COLLECTION      東周戰國   青銅菱紋矛
             LOZENGE PATTERN,                           來源:
             EASTERN ZHOU DYNASTY, WARRING STATES       大維威爾(1871-1952年)收藏,巴黎,收藏編號
             PERIOD                                     D.W. 34/25
             27.2 cm
             PROVENANCE                                 Georges Salles,《中國周秦漢三朝青銅器》,橘園美
             Collection of David David-Weill (1871-1952), Paris, coll. no.   術館,巴黎,1934年,編號80(沒載圖)
             D.W. 34/25.                                 《參加倫敦中國藝術國際展覽會出品圖說》,英國
             Sotheby’s Paris, 16th December 2015, lot 44.
             EXHIBITED                                  出版:
             Georges Salles, Bronzes Chinois des Dynasties Tcheou, T’sin   Olov Janse,〈Le style du Houai et ses affinités. Notes à
             et Han, Musée de l’Orangerie, Paris, 1934, cat. no. 80 (not
             illustrated).                              propos de quelques objets de la collection David-Weill〉
             International Exhibition of Chinese Art, Royal Academy of   ,《亞洲藝術雜誌.吉美博物館年鑑》,卷8,期3
             Arts, London, 1935-6, cat. no. 175.        ,1934年,圖版 LIII:2
             Olov Janse, ‘Le style du Houai et ses affinités. Notes à propos   41E(線圖)
             de quelques objets de la collection David-Weill’, Revue des
             Arts Asiatiques. Annales du Musée Guimet, vol. VIII, no. 3,
             1934, pl. LIII:2.
             Max Loehr, Chinese Bronze Age Weapons. The Werner
             Jannings Collections in the Chinese Palace Museum, Peking,
             Ann Arbor, 1956, fig. 41E (drawing).

             HK$ 700,000-900,000
             US$ 89,500-116,000

             Distinctive for its pattern of intersecting double lines and   Korean Art from the Collections of Dr Franco Vannotti, Hans
             lozenge motif in a darker-coloured metal on the surface,   Popper and others, Eskenazi Ltd, London, 1989, cat. no. 14),
             which is among the rarest patterns found on weapons from   where analysis suggests the decorative metal to be silver.
             the Eastern Zhou dynasty, this spearhead was one of the   It appears that silver strips were heated and adhered to the
             twelve remarkable artefacts lent by David David-Weill to the   bronze surface, perhaps with the help of chemical means (see
             landmark 1935-36 International Exhibition of Chinese Art in   William Watson, ‘Technique in Bronze and Precious Metal’,
             London.                                    ibid., pp. 10-11). Both the Vanotti spearhead and the present
             Recorded by Olov Janse, the spearhead was reportedly   spearhead were mentioned in Orvar Karlbeck, ‘Selected
             discovered in Shouzhou, Anhui province. which was once   Objects from Ancient Shou-chou’, BMFEA, vol. 27, 1955, p. 50.
             an on-and-off capital of Chu and a prominent hub for the
             production of late Zhou bronzes.
             This pattern is only found on a small number of extant
             weapons; among these, inscriptions are scarce, with the   Olov  Janse,此矛傳出自安徽壽州。壽州曾為楚國舊
             majority belonging to the Kings of Wu and Yue, such as the   都,亦為青銅生產重地。紋飾相類者偶帶銘文,而銘
             legendary Sword of King Goujian of Yue and the Spearhead   文例多屬吳越兩王之器,如越王勾踐劍與吳王夫差
             of King Fuchai of Wu. See also an uninscribed sword and   矛。台北故宮博物院曾展覽一相關菱格紋劍及矛,館
             spearhead with this rare lozenge pattern in the collection   藏編號:購銅181及192。
             of Taipei Palace Museum (accession nos Goutong-181 and
             192), exhibited in Rituals Cast in Brilliance: Chinese Bronzes
             Through the Ages, Palace Museum, Taipei, 2015, p. 139.  作雙線菱格紋所用冶煉工藝既非鑲嵌,又非鑿刻,
             The metallurgical process used to create this pattern has   至今仍有待探索,有推論稱該紋飾乃蝕刻或由錫、
             yet to be completely understood; however, it has been   氯化鐵、硫酸鐵等沉積而成,見紐約大都會藝術博物
             suggested that the pattern may have been made through   館,館藏編號1985.214.27。另可參考一矛,杜伯秋及
             resist-etching or surface deposition of tin, ferric chloride, or   Franco  Vannotti  遞藏,後經埃斯卡納齊易手,研究分
             ferric sulfate; see a similar spearhead in the Metropolitan
             Museum of Art (accession no.: 1985.214.27).   析紋飾所用金屬為銀,銀線加熱後附於銅之表面,加
             Another nearly identical spearhead was formerly in the
             collections of Jean-Pierre Dubosc and Dr Franco Vannotti,   及,見〈Selected Objects from Ancient Shou-chou〉,《
             later dealt through the hands of Eskenazi (see Chinese and   遠東文物博物館館刊》,卷27,1955,頁50。

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