Page 116 - Bonhams Ming and Qing Cloisonne Hong Kong December 2, 2021
P. 116
16th/early 17th century
The cylindrical body supported on three short legs, the exterior
decorated with seven horizontal bands of prunus and ruyi-head leafy
scrolls between raised ribs, all enamelled in white, yellow, red, blue and
green on a dark blue ground.
9cm (3 1/2in) high.
HKD250,000 - 350,000
US$32,000 - 45,000
十六世紀/十七世紀早期 銅胎掐絲琺瑯奩式爐
The form of the present lot was inspired by the gilt-bronze tripod 本器器型源自東漢時期的銅鎏金三足爐,可參考北京故宮博物院藏一
circular incense burners of the Eastern Han period. An example of one 件東漢時期建武二十一年鎏金斛,見《文物名家大講堂:中國青銅
such early piece is in the Palace Museum, Beijing, illustrated in Wenwu 器》,北京,2008年,頁274。此造型深刻影響往後朝代,後來的風
mingjia dajiangtang. Zhongguo qingtongqi, Beijing, 2008, p.274. 格都有其傳承遺跡,見倫敦維多利亞及阿伯特博物館藏一唐代綠釉
These prototypes were the source of inspiration for many later periods 爐(編號86-1950),著錄於J.Ayres,《Eastern Ceramics. Victoria and
and appear in a wide range of different mediums; see for example an Albert Museum》,倫敦,1980年,編號51。
earthenware incense burner applied with green glaze, Tang dynasty,
illustrated by J.Ayers, Far Eastern Ceramics in the Victoria and Albert 此造型更多見於瓷器例子上,可參見台北國立故宮博物院藏三件明
Museum, London, 1980, no.51. In the National Palace Museum, 宣德瓷爐包括一件紫紅釉弦紋三足爐、青花纏枝蓮弦紋三足爐及無
Taipei, there are several porcelain examples of tripod incense burners 款孔雀綠釉弦紋三足爐,著錄於廖寶秀,《典雅富麗 – 故宮藏瓷》
with very similar narrow concentric bands forming ribs, Xuande, ,台北,2013年,頁41及137,圖版5、6及30;另見倫敦大英博物
illustrated by Liao Baoxiu, Dianya fuli - gugong cangci, Taipei, 2013, 館藏一明萬曆三足爐,同樣也飾弦紋,見J.Harrison-Hall,《Ming
pp.41 and 137, pls.5, 6 and 30. Ceramics》,倫敦,2001年,頁336,編號II:158。
Compare the narrow bands of ruyi-shaped motifs on scrolling vines, 本器上所飾的如意花卉紋可與北京故宮博物館藏一明萬曆蓋盒以及另
with similarly rendered motifs on a cloisonné enamel box and cover, 一件明晚期掐絲琺瑯山水人物紋圓盒上足部的紋飾作比較,見《故宮
Wanli mark and period, and on the foot of a cloisonné enamel box 博物院藏品大系:琺瑯器編1》,北京及安徽,2011年,頁288-289
and cover, late Ming dynasty, illustrated in Compendium of Collections ,圖版106及157。此器形於乾隆一朝亦有沿襲,見倫敦佳士得售出一
in the Palace Museum: Enamels 1, Beijing, 2011, pls.106 and 157. 例,2012年11月6日,編號46。
This style continued into the Qianlong period as seen on the cloisonné
enamel tripod censer, Qianlong mark and period, which was sold at
Christie’s London, 6 November 2012, lot 46.