Page 118 - Bonhams Ming and Qing Cloisonne Hong Kong December 2, 2021
P. 118
A CLOISONNÉ ENAMEL ‘LOTUS’ BOWL See a related cloisonné enamel ‘lotus’ bowl, late Ming dynasty,
Late Ming Dynasty also decorated with lotus flowers and babao precious objects to
The deep sides raised from a short foot to a gently flaring rim, the the exterior, illustrated in Compendium of Collections in the Palace
exterior decorated in multi-coloured enamels with two registers of Museum: Enamels 1: Cloisonné in the Yuan and Ming Dynasties,
lotus flowerheads and scrolling foliage, the bigger flowers divided by Beijing, 2011, no.161.
zabao precious objects, all on a turquoise ground below a purple-
ground floral band at the rim, the base similarly decorated with a lotus 藍地五彩。銅胎,鍍金。侈口,豐腹,外撇圈足。碗,侈口,圈足外
bloom, the exposed metal body visible on the interior walls. 撇。銅胎,外壁、碗底飾藍地五彩掐絲琺瑯。內壁為光素銅面;外壁
20.4cm (8in) diam. 飾番蓮紋及蓮瓣紋。
HKD40,000 - 60,000 參看北京故宮藏一件明晚期掐絲琺瑯纏枝蓮八寶紋碗,唯碗內亦飾掐
US$5,100 - 7,700 絲琺瑯蓮紋,著錄於,《故宮博物院藏品大系:琺瑯器編1: 元明掐絲
明晚期 銅胎掐絲琺瑯纏枝番蓮雜寶紋碗