Page 74 - Bonhams Ming and Qing Cloisonne Hong Kong December 2, 2021
P. 74

This impressive dish belongs to a small and important group of   盤折邊口,平底,銅胎鎏金,紋飾掐絲。盤心及折沿施藍色琺瑯釉為
           cloisonné enamel wares bearing prominent enamelled Wanli marks   地,盤心飾雙龍穿花,以紅、白、黃、薑黃、深藍、天藍,松石綠,
           within a rectangle and encircled by ruyi heads. As noted by Sir Harry   分紅等色飾花卉,紅龍與綠龍張牙舞爪,飛騰追逐穿行於纏枝花卉之
           Garner, they are of outstanding documentary importance as the only   間,盤內壁施綠色琺瑯釉為地,並飾纏枝蓮紋一周,盤口沿飾雜寶紋
           pieces with contemporary marks of sixteenth-century emperors that   一周,盤外壁飾掐絲雲紋及八寶紋。綠地長方框內,鏨雙線填朱紅釉
           can be accepted without question as belonging to the period of the   「大明萬曆年造」六字楷書款。
           mark, see H.Garner, Chinese and Japanese Cloisonné Enamels,
           London, 1962, pp.76-77.                           參看三件萬曆款的掐絲琺瑯大盤,所飾龍紋樣式與此件拍品非常接

           Wanli mark and period dishes of this size decorated with dragons are   近,一件藏於北京故宮博物院,《故宮博物院藏文物珍品大系:金
           extremely rare, with only three other related examples which appear
           to have been published, including: a large cloisonné enamel ‘dragon’   Garner著,《 Chinese and Japanese Cloisonné Enamels》,倫
           dish (51cm diam.) with a foliate rim in the Qing Court Collection,   敦,1962年,圖版F;第三件在台北故宮博物院,著錄於《明清琺瑯
           illustrated in The Complete Collection of Treasures of the Palace
           Museum: Metal-bodied Enamel Ware, Hong Kong, 2002, no.47;   佳士得香港曾售出一件尺寸稍小的萬曆龍紋大盤(49.6cm),2005
           another slightly smaller (50cm diam.) dish in the British Museum,   年5月30日,拍品編號1267。
           illustrated by H.Garner, ibid., pl.F (,1227.79); and the
           third example of smaller size (48cm diam.) in the National Palace
           Museum, Taipei, illustrated in Enamel Ware in the Ming and Ch’ing   更多有關明萬曆款掐絲琺瑯器的討論,請參看本圖錄中張榮的專文
           Dynasty, Taipei, 1999, no.11.                     論述。

           A further Wanli mark and period cloisonné enamel foliate-rim dish
           also decorated with two dragons (49.6cm diam.) was sold at
           Christie’s Hong Kong, 30 May 2005, lot 1267.

           Please refer to the essay by Zhang Rong in this catalogue for further
           discussion on Wanli mark and period cloisonné enamel dishes.

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