Page 94 - Bonhams Ming and Qing Cloisonne Hong Kong December 2, 2021
P. 94
The enamel decoration on the present lot is exceptional for the high 銅胎,盤薄唇外撇,平底,盤心起線掐絲作蓮花,蓮心圍兩層方頭蓮
quality of its execution of multi-coloured depiction of the leafy scrolls, 辦,再外一周飾以連枝番蓮紋大小八朵,松石料為地,花瓣填以紅、
simulating painting. The classic design of the lotus-seed pod as the 白、藍、綠諸色,番蓮葉填綠料,葉尖填紅黃二色,墻線及口沿鎏
central medallion appears to be a popular motif found on several 金,內外壁飾番蓮紋一周,如盤心所飾,底部露銅胎,鏨刻羯磨杵,
examples dating to the Xuande period. See a cloisonné enamel disc, 刻槽內鎏金。
and a cloisonné enamel circular box and cover, Xuande marks and
period, both with a similar design of the lotus-seed pod, illustrated by 此種在器物中心以雙層方頭蓮瓣番蓮為主體紋飾的掐絲琺瑯器,多
H.Garner, Chinese and Japanese Cloisonné Enamels, London, 1962, 見於明宣德之例。如瑞士Pierre Uldry所藏一件明宣德掐絲琺瑯番蓮
pls.10 and 11. 紋盤,以及一件明宣德掐絲琺瑯番蓮紋圓蓋盒,均以銅絲掐出「大
明宣德年製」楷書款,著錄於H. Garner,《Chinese and Japanese
See a closely related cloisonné dish of the same size (26cm diam.) Cloisonné Enamels》,倫敦,1962年,圖版10及11。
and a nearly identical design, also with a double-vajra incised to the
underside, dated first half of 15th century, in the Pierre Uldry collection, 瑞士Pierre Uldry藏一件十五世紀上半葉之銅胎掐絲琺瑯番蓮紋盤,
which is illustrated by H.Brinker and A.Lutz in the Chinesisches 其紋飾與尺寸(26公分)與本件完全相同,見 H.Brinker及 A.Lutz
Cloisonné: Die Sammlung Pierre Uldry, Zurich, 1984. pl.14. 著《Chinesisches Cloisonné: Die Sammlung Pierre Uldry》,蘇黎
A similar double-vajra can be found on the base of two cloisonné
enamel zun vases both with Jingtai reign marks, one in the Asian Art 類似在掐絲琺瑯器底刻十字金剛杵的例子,在幾件帶有「大明景泰年
Museum, San Francisco ( B60P288), and another in the Palace 製」刻款的掐絲琺瑯器上也有所見,如舊金山亞洲藝術博物館藏一件
Museum, Beijing, which is illustrated in Zhongguo jinyin boli falangqi 掐絲琺瑯出戟尊(博物館編號:B60P288),以及一件藏於北京故宮
quanji: 5: falangqi vol.1, Hebei, 2001, no.51. Although there has been 博物院的明宣德銅胎掐絲琺瑯出戟尊,著錄於《中國金銀玻璃琺瑯器
speculation in the past that some Jingtai marked cloisonné wares are 全集5:琺瑯器(一)河北,2001年,編號51。雖然一部分帶有景泰
in fact of the Xuande period but with later incised marks, a connection 年款的掐絲琺瑯器被認為是明初御用監製造之後刻款器物,但十字金
is suggested between the appearance of the double-vajra symbol and 剛杵也很有可能與明代宗朱祁鈺篤信藏傳佛教有關。
the Jingtai mark, as the Jingtai emperor was known to have been a
passionate supporter of Tibetan Buddhism. 另見香港蘇富比曾售出一件尺寸稍小的明景泰銅胎掐絲琺瑯纏枝番蓮
See also a related smaller cloisonné ‘lotus’ dish, Jingtai mark and
period, but with a very similar design, which was sold at Sotheby’s
Hong Kong, 2 April 2018, lot 3406.