Page 98 - Bonhams Ming and Qing Cloisonne Hong Kong December 2, 2021
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Imperial cloisonné enamel incense burners of high quality created in 銅胎,鴨首足鎏金,張口偏脖,雙目嵌琉璃,鏨刻細羽,脖頸以下掐
the form of a Mandarin duck such as the present lot are very rare. 絲作波浪形翎毛,內填紅白黃綠藍諸料,內中空,雙翼掐絲琺瑯作
Compare two closely related examples in the Qing Court Collection, 翎毛,頂部開銅錢形氣孔,一足抬起,一足直立於仰蓮鎏金圓座上,
both modelled standing on a stylised lotus leaf and dated to the late 座鎏金。
Ming dynasty, illustrated in Zhongguo jinyin boli falangqi quanji: 5:
falangqi vol.1, Hebei, 2001, nos.126 and 127, of which the slightly 明代晚期,掐絲琺瑯工藝工藝變得更加豐富,出現了以動物造型至琺
larger example shows a very similar overall structure, modelling 瑯器。此香薰以寶鴨為形,又稱鳧式香薰,為明代晚期動物形製掐
technique and execution of the enamelled design such as the 絲琺瑯器中難得一例。北京故宮博物院藏有兩件明代晚期的動物形香
undulating streaks of plumage and the poised webbed feet. 薰,一件為鴛鴦形,另一件為寶鴨形,見《中國金銀玻璃琺瑯器全集
See also a related goose-form incense burner, but lacking its 工藝及造型,以及翅面的羽毛的掐絲工藝都與本拍品極為相似。
pedestal, from the collection of David David-Weill and now in Musée
des Arts Décoratifs, Paris, illustrated by B.Quette, ed. Cloisonné. 另見巴黎裝飾藝術博物館藏一件明晚期鵝式香薰,著錄於B. Quette
Chinese Enamels from the Yuan, Ming, and Qing Dynasties, New 編,《Cloisonné. Chinese Enamels from the Yuan, Ming, and Qing
York, 2011, p.277, no.104. See also a pair of Mandarin duck form Dynasties》,紐約,2011年,頁277,編號104.另見張宗憲先生藏一
incense burners, depicted standing on a lotus leaf base, illustrated 對明代銅鎏金掐絲琺瑯鴛鴦香薰,著錄於《絢麗·華貴·至尊:香港張宗
in Colorful, Elegant, and Exquisite: A Special Exhibition of Imperial 憲先生珍藏御製宮廷掐絲琺瑯特展》,蘇州,2007年,頁118-119。
Enamel Wares from Mr. Robert Chang’s Collection, Suzhou, 2007,
pp.118-119. As with the present incense burner, the heads and legs 另可參考英國Speelman舊藏一件明十六世紀掐絲琺瑯寶鴨熏爐配清
are gilt, and there are openings in the backs that would have been 乾隆掐絲琺瑯蓮瓣座,後售於香港蘇富比,2018年4月3日,拍品編
fitted with a cover. 號3448。
Compare also a cloisonné enamel ‘Mandarin duck’ incense burner,
16th century, with a Qianlong period stepped domed pedestal from
the Speelman collection, which sold at Sotheby’s Hong Kong, 3 April
2018, lot 3448.