Page 14 - important chinese art mar 22 2018
P. 14
PROPERTY FROM THE COLLECTION OF ANN AND PROVENANCE in the exhibition Selections of Chinese Art from
GORDON GETTY Private Collections in the Metropolitan Museum
Collection of Ivan B. Hart.
A RARE PAIR OF INCISED AND Christie’s New York, 23rd March 1995, lot 366. Area, China Institute in America, 1966, cat. no. 66.
SLIP-DECORATED FAMILLE-VERTE The present pair is a variation of a group of Similar decoration is also seen on smaller (14.4
‘BIRTHDAY’ DISHES very " nely potted and painted dishes known as cm) Kangxi mark and period ‘birthday’ dishes,
enameled with a di& erent border at the rim, of
QING DYNASTY, KANGXI PERIOD ‘birthday’ dishes, which are believed to have been which an example in the Museum of Far Eastern
made for the Kangxi Emperor’s sixtieth birthday Antiquities, Stockholm, is illustrated in Oriental
each " nely potted with shallow rounded sides in 1713. The combination of incised and slip-
rising to an everted rim, the center slip-decorated molded decoration together with enamels on the Ceramics. The World’s Greatest Collections, vol.
9, Tokyo, 1976, pl. 88. Similar examples of this
with a shou character framed by an incised design present pair is particularly unusual. Compare an smaller type have been sold in our Hong Kong
of two striding dragons enclosed within a classic identical pair of dishes, formerly in the Guy Mayer rooms, 22nd May 1985, lot 192, and in these
scroll border, brilliantly enameled with a laughing- and Donald Morrison Collection, " rst illustrated
thrush, huamei, perched on a branch issuing in Warren Cox, The Book of Pottery and Porcelain, rooms, 23rd March 1999, lot 391.
three plump peaches surrounded by verdant vol. II, New York, 1949, pl. 855, and later included $ 40,000-60,000
leaves furling to reveal their undersides, all
framed within an iron-red border of stylized bats
at the rim, the base with an apocryphal Chenghua
mark in underglaze blue within a double circle (2)
Diameter 8⅛ in., 20.6 cm