Page 112 - Christies Fine Chinese Works of Art March 2016 New York
P. 112

PROPERTY FROM A PRIVATE AMERICAN COLLECTION                                         It is also interesting to note that the geometric design on the present
                                                                                    you, which is often mistakenly read as leiwen, difers from leiwen by its
1391                                                                                arrangement in a regular pattern of triangles and rhombi. As noted by
                                                                                    Bagley, this design is developed from the early Anyang designs of scorpions,
A BRONZE RITUAL WINE VESSEL AND COVER, FU DING YOU                                  as can been see on the covered hu vessel and ladle in the collection of the
LATE SHANG DYNASTY, 12TH-11TH CENTURY BC                                            Museum of East Asian Art, Cologne, illustrated in ibid, pp. 390-391.
                                                                                    商晚期 父丁卣
The you of pear shape and elliptical section is raised on a spreading
foot encircled by two bow-string bands. The sides are cast with a                   卣体呈扁圓形,肩部置對稱半環耳,内套綯形提梁,直口,鼓腹,高圈足外撇。器
raised band of angular spirals between borders of circles, with an                  蓋為母口,有花苞形鈕。蓋面及頸部飾菱形幾何圖案,上下界以聯珠紋,頸部紋飾
animal mask cast in high relief on each side and two loops at the ends,             帶中間置突起的獸頭。足飾凸弦紋兩週。器身器蓋對銘,各兩字「父丁」。
to which are attached the ends of the rope-twist handle. The domed                  橢圓形器身的扁体卣最早出現在殷墟二期晚段,至殷墟三期取代圓体卣(或稱提梁
cover has waisted sides and is decorated with a similar band below the              壺)成爲青銅禮器組合中最重要的器類之一。安陽殷墟郭家莊南賽金格地M13出土
segmented fnial. Both the bottom of the interior of the vessel and the              有一件相似的提梁卣,時代屬於殷墟銅器第三期,發表於昆明2008年出版《殷墟新
interior of the cover are cast with a two-character inscription, reading            出土青銅器》,219頁,編號105。一件器形﹑紋飾與本器相近的卣,蓋具捉手鈕,
fu ding. The vessel has a greenish patina with areas of light malachite             頸飾鹿形獸頭,出土於安陽大司空村東地M7,載於前揭書,305頁,編號158, 時
encrustation.                                                                       代屬於殷墟青銅器第四期。貝格立著1987年出版《賽克勒所藏商代青銅禮器》載有
9º in. (23.5 cm.) high, box                                                         頁,編號68。相比以上幾件近似例,本器年代應定為商末。
$80,000-120,000                                                                     式,這種幾何圖案有著固定的三角形﹑菱形排列方式。貝格立在前揭書中指出,此
PROVENANCE                                                                          一件蠍紋斗上的圖案,見前揭書390至391頁。

Mathias Komor, New York, 1947.                                                                                                                       (inscription)
Christie’s New York, 22-23 March 2012, lot 1510.

The inscription cast inside the cover and in the bottom of the vessel, Fu
ding, can be translated as ‘Father Ding.’ This is an abbreviated dedicatory
inscription that means ‘dedicate this vessel to Father Ding.’

Oval-bodied you vessel frst appeared in the late second phase of Yinxu
(about 1200 BC) and became one of the most popular wine vessel types
in the ritual vessel repertoire thereafter. A very similar you vessel with a
somewhat clumsy animal mask was found in 2006 in Anyang and dated
to the third phase of Yinxu, illustrated in Yinxu xinchutu qingtongqi (Ritual
bronzes recently excavated in Yinxu), Kunming, 2008, p. 219, no. 105. A
related you vessel with ring-shaped knop and deer-shaped animal mask
was found from a later tomb in Anyang, which is dated to the fourth phase
of Yinxu, illustrated in ibid, p. 305, no. 158. Another similar you is illustrated
by R.W. Bagley, Shang Ritual Bronzes in the Arthur M. Sackler Collections,
Arthur M. Sackler Foundation, Washington, DC,1987, pp. 388-89, no. 68,
which is dated to the 11th century BC based on the style of the inscriptions.
The present you therefore can be dated to the end of the late Shang period,
12th-11th century BC.

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