Page 112 - Bonhams Hong Kong The Skinner Moon Flasks
P. 112

116                                                                         When the Qianlong emperor was presented in 1768 with the first pair
A RARE PALE GREEN JADE TWO-HANDLED BOWL                                     of jade plates decorated with carved flowers and leaf designs, he
Probably Ottoman, 18th century                                              wrote a composition judging them to be from ‘Hindustan’ (north India).
Exquisitely carved with thin translucent deep flaring sides, rising from    He did not realise that many of the so-called ‘Hindustan’ jade carvings
a short spreading foot elaborately carved as a flowering blossom, the       originated from further afield, including the Ottoman Empire which due
exterior decorated in low relief with shaped panels containing flowers,     to its political power and Islamic religion had trade relations as far the
all between two borders of scrolling foliage, flanked by a pair of pierced  Mughal Empire. Twenty-two of the jade wares in the collection of the
elaborate flower handles, the stone of translucent white tone with          National Palace Museum, Taipei, are indeed attributed to the Ottoman
milky-white inclusions.                                                     Empire; see Teng Shu-p’ing, Treasures from Across the Kunlun
18cm (7 1/8in) wide.                                                        Mountains: Islamic Jades in the National Palace Museum Collection,
                                                                            Taipei, 2015, pp.159-160.
HK$150,000 - 200,000
US$19,000 - 26,000                                                          One of the most significant characteristics of Ottoman jades is their
                                                                            thin bodies. This is consistent with the Qianlong emperor’s admiring
十八世紀 或為鄂圖曼 痕都斯坦式青白玉雕花柄盌                                                     remarks in his poems when he says that they were ‘lustrous and
                                                                            paper-thin’, that one could ‘see the flowers and leaves though them/
Provenance:                                                                 but could not feel and trace’, and that “the shadow of your hand
Sir John William Buchanan-Jardine (1900-1969), 3rd Baronet of               outside can be seen from the inside/ The flowers lift and the leaves
Castle Milk (according to Spink invoice)                                    curl back on themselves’ and ‘in one’s hand, it seems immaterial/
The Oriental Art Gallery Ltd., London                                       and one must fix the gaze on it to know it has form”; the physical
An English private collection, acquired from the above circa 1994           traits described by the Qianlong emperor above are applicable to the
Spink & Son Ltd., London                                                    present lot. Compare also two Ottoman jade bowls, illustrated by Teng
An English private collection, acquired from the above on 12 July 1999      Shu-p’ing, ibid., p.160, pls.163-164.

來源:                                                                         The present lot is remarkable not only for the elegant form and
米爾克堡第三男爵,約翰·威廉·渣甸爵士舊藏(1900-1969)(如斯賓                                        translucent thin walls, but also for the elaborate handles, each
克收據所示)                                                                      comprising three flowers, complemented by the similarly shaped foot,
倫敦東方藝術有限公司                                                                  attesting to the masterful craftsmanship.
斯賓克有限公司,倫敦                                                                  Compare a white jade Mughal cup, incised Qianlong mark and period,
英國私人收藏,於1999年7月12日獲藏於以上古董商                                                  but of smaller size and without handles, which was sold at Sotheby’s
                                                                            Hong Kong, 4 April 2012, lot 3069.
Sir John William Buchanan-Jardine was a scion of Sir William Jardine,
the founder of Jardine, Matheson & Co. Established in Canton in 1832,       約翰·威廉·渣甸爵士為怡和洋行創始人威廉·渣甸之孫。怡和洋行
this great shipping company rose to dominate the lucrative China            前身為1832年在廣州創辦的渣甸洋行,早年參與對中國貿易,主要從
trade and was instrumental in the early development of Hong Kong.           事鴉片和茶葉買賣,現在仍是遠東最大的英資集團。1839年林則徐禁
The Jardine family played an influential role as proponents of punitive     煙,渣甸洋行遊說英國政府與滿清開戰並引發後來的鴉片戰爭。鴉片
action against the Manchu court, leading to the infamous Opium              戰爭爆發後,渣甸洋行將總公司從廣州遷至香港,借助怡和行在内地
Wars. From their privileged position in the Far East, the family was in a   的名聲,並更名為怡和洋行。渣甸家族因長期在遠東經商,更有機會
strong position to secure important pieces from the Chinese Imperial        接觸後期因戰亂外流而出的宮廷珍品。
collections after the looting of the Summer Palace, Peking, and the
subsequent periods of instability.                                          痕都斯坦玉為乾隆帝對伊斯蘭玉器的統稱,因其「瑩薄如紙」、「看



                                                                            其,見R.Skelton,《Islamic and Mughal Jades》,著錄於R.Keverne


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