Page 118 - Bonhams Hong Kong The Skinner Moon Flasks
P. 118

The present stem cup, inspired by Tibetan butter lamps or chang ming        撇口,深弧腹,下承中空高足,足底外撇。盌內心繪團花紋,腹部內
deng, is remarkable for the superb painting in lighter and darker tones     壁罩白釉,外壁飾蓮花托梵文圖案。盌底繪雙層蓮瓣紋,高足上飾藍
of underglaze blue, simulating the ‘heaped and piled’ effect of the early   底白花、四瓣海棠花以及瓔珞紋。圈足內飾白釉。此器造型端莊,胎
Ming dynasty imported cobalt blue. Also noteworthy is its unusual           體細膩,青花以點染法摹仿明代永宣蘇麻離青效果,發色純真,翠妍
large size, measuring 14.7cm diam. and 13.2cm high, in comparison           欲滴,為上佳之作。
to the much smaller standard size of 8.5-10cm high.
The Qing emperors publicly supported Tibetan Buddhism which                 正、乾隆者較精。乾隆崇佛信佛,一方面鞏固了滿清朝廷與蒙、藏權
brought both political and to varying extents personal benefits, by         貴之間的關係,一方面也對宮廷的宗教信仰以及藝術產生了影響。帶
ensuring solidarity with Mongolian and Tibetan allies and providing         有宗教色彩的紋飾在宮廷藝術上大量出現。
personal spiritual guidance. The Qianlong emperor was particularly
dedicated to the practice of Tibetan Buddhism and this is reflected in      此式高足盌有四至五種大小不同規格,此件拍品屬於較大尺寸者,較
many ceramics and decorative arts produced for the court and as gifts       為少見。見德國佩里扎烏斯博物館藏乾隆一例,著錄於U.Wiesner,
during his reign.                                                           《Chinesisches Porzellan: Die Ohlmer’sche Sammlung im Roemer-
                                                                            Museum, Hildesheim》,德國,1981年,編號59。另見台北故宮博物
Compare a similar blue and white stem cup, Qianlong seal mark and           院藏一例,尺寸稍小,見《Catalogue of Ch’ing Dynasty Porcelain in
period, of similar size, illustrated by U.Wiesner, Chinesisches Porzellan:  the National Palace Museum》,東京,1981年,圖版13。宮廷中同
Die Ohlmer’sche Sammlung im Roemer-Museum, Hildesheim,                      式高足盌亦見其他材料製成者,如北京故宮博物院藏銅胎掐絲琺瑯一
Mainz am Rhein, 1981, pl.59. See also a slightly smaller example,           例,見《故宮博物院藏品大系:琺瑯器編2》,北京,2011年,頁350
illustrated in Catalogue of Ch’ing Dynasty Porcelain in the National        ,編號280。同式高足盌亦有雕漆者,見德國斯圖加特林登博物館藏清
Palace Museum, Tokyo, 1981, pl.13. Such cups were also made for             乾隆剔紅蓮托梵文高足盌一例,著錄於《Im Zeichen Des Drachen von
the Imperial court in other materials, such as cloisonné enamel and         der Schönheit Chinesischer Lacke》,慕尼黑,2006年,圖版86。
lacquer: see a cloisonné enamel stem cup, Qianlong mark and period,
illustrated in Compendium of Collections in the Palace Museum:              見香港蘇富比曾售出一例,尺寸稍小,2013年10月8日,拍品3024。
Enamels 2 Qing Dynasty, Beijing, 2011, pl.280; and a carved cinnabar
lacquer stem cup, Qianlong seal mark and period, in the Linden
Museum, Stuttgart, illustrated in Im Zeichen Des Drachen von der
Schönheit Chinesischer Lacke, Munich, 2006, pl.86.

A similar blue and white ‘lança character’ stem cup, Qianlong seal
mark and period, but of smaller size, was sold at Sotheby’s Hong
Kong, 8 October 2013, lot 3024.

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