Page 61 - Bonhams Hong Kong The Skinner Moon Flasks
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FINE CHINESE CERAMICS                                                                                                                                  2017年5月30日星期二下午三點
AND WORKS OF ART                                                                                                                                       香港邦瀚斯藝術廊
Lots 101 - 145

Tuesday 30 May 2017 at 15.00
Bonhams Hong Kong Gallery
Suite 2001, One Pacific Place,
Hong Kong

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BonhBaomnhsa(Hmosn(gHoKnogngK)oLntgd). LTtrda.dTinragdOinffgicOefficBe onhBaomnhsaInmtserInnatetironnaatiloBnoaal rBdoard                              BonhBaomnhsa(Hmosn(gHoKnogngK)oLnigm)itLeimd iDteirdecDtiorersctors
                                                                                                                                                       Colin CSohleinafS, hCehaafi,rmChaani,rmAsaina, Asia
SuiteS2u0it0e12, 0O0n1e, OPanceifPicacPilfaiccePlace  R o b e rRt oBbreorot kBsrCo ook-sC hCaoi -r mC haani,r m a n,                                   EdwaErddwWailrkdinWsoilnk,inEsxoenc,uEtxiveecDutiriveectDoirr,eAcstoiar, Asia
88 Q8u8eeQnuseweanysway                               MalcoMlmalcBoalrmbeBr aCrboe-Cr hCaoi-rmChaani,rman,                                             MalcoMlmalcBoalrmbeBr,aMrbaetrt,hMewatGthierlwingGirling
AdmAiradlmtyiralty                                    Colin CSohleinafSDheepauf tDyeCphuatyirmChaani,rman,                                             DessaDGesosdadGarodd, dAasradp, hAsHaypmhaHn,yman,
HongHKonogngKong                                      MatthMewatGthierlwingGCirlEinOg, CEO,                                                            GraemGeraTehmoemTphsomn,pXsiobno, WXiabnogW. ang.
                                                      PatricPkaMtreicakdMe eGardoeupGVroicuepCVhicaeirmChaani,rman,

                                                      Jon BJaodndeBleayd,dReulepye, rRt uBpaenrnteBr,aGnneeorf,frGeyeoDffarveiyesD,avies,

                                                      JonathJaonaFtahiarhnuFrsatir,hAusraspt,hAHsaypmhaHn,yJmaamne, sJaKmniegshtK, night,

                                                      CarolinCearOolliipnheaOnlti,pEhdawnta, rEddWwailkrdinsWoinlk,inLseosnlie, LWersilgiehtW. right.

BonhBamonsh(aHmosng(HKoonnggK) Loinmgi)teLdimRiteegdistReeregdisNteore. d14N2o6.5124226R5e2g2istReeregdisOtefrfeicde:ORffoicoem: R5o5o0m1 5/ 55051F,/C5e5nFt,rCalePnltarazal P, 1la8zaH,a1r8boHuarrRboaudr ,RWoaadn,cWhaainchai
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