Page 64 - Bonhams Hong Kong The Skinner Moon Flasks
P. 64

Early Warring States Period
The long pointed blade with bevelled edges and a long median ridge,
the ribbed handle with a wing-shaped guard inlaid with turquoise
forming a taotie mask motif and ending in a flattened concave
pommel, with olive-green patina and malachite encrustations,
fitted box and metal stand.
58.2cm (22 7/8in) long (3).

HK$300,000 - 500,000
US$39,000 - 64,000

戰國早期 青銅嵌綠松石劍

Provenance:                                                              Compare a similar bronze sword with raised linear designs and taotie
Professor Max Loehr                                                      designs on both sides of the guard, Warring States period, in the
Eskenazi Ltd., London, 11 March 1991                                     collection of the Freer Gallery of Art, Washington D.C., illustrated
The Sze Yuan Tang Archaic Bronzes from the Anthony Hardy                 by T.Lawton, Chinese Art of the Warring States Period: Change
Collection, Christie’s New York, 16 September 2010, lot 825              and Continuity, 480-222 BC, Washington D.C., 1982, p.72, no.29.
                                                                         Compare also another related turquoise-inlaid sword inscribed with
Published and Illustrated:                                               ‘given by decree from the King of Yue’, early Warring States period, in
Li Xueqin, The Glorious Traditions of Chinese Bronzes: From              the Zhejiang Provincial Museum, Hangzhou, illustrated in Zhongguo
the Anthony & Susan Hardy Collections and the Sze Yuan Tang,             Qingtongqi Quanji 11 Dong Zhou 5, Beijing, pp.96-97, nos.101-104.
Singapore, 2000, pp.116-117, no.42                                       See a further related bronze sword with variegated surface, Warring
                                                                         States period, excavated from a tomb of the State of Chu, in Jiangling
Exhibited:                                                               County, Hubei Province, illustrated by W.Watson, The Genius of China,
Asian Civilizations Museum, Singapore, 2000, no.42                       1973, p.96, no.129. A further sword of similar size, with a turquoise-
Hong Kong Museum of Art, 2002-2006, no.CB87                              inlaid guard and collars, is illustrated by M.Loehr, Chinese Bronze Age
                                                                         Weapons, Michigan, 1956, pl.XXXVIII, no.98.
羅樾(Max Loehr)教授舊藏                                                        羅樾教授(1903 – 1988年)曾於1960年至1974年間任哈佛大學東方
埃斯卡納齊,倫敦,1991年3月11日                                                      藝術史教授,是研究中國古代青銅器、玉器、繪畫的權威之一,曾出
《思源堂中國古代青銅器珍藏》,紐約佳士得,2010年9月16日,拍                                        版八部著作並發表大量學術論文。他也是漢學家高居翰和貝格利的老
品825                                                                     師。

出版:                                                                      劍為斜寬從厚格式。中脊起線,兩從斜弧,雙刃呈弧形於近鋒處收
李學勤,《中國青銅器萃賞》,新加坡亞洲文明博物館,2000年,頁                                         狹,前聚成鋒,倒凹字形劍格,格上兩面嵌綠松石獸面紋,圓莖上有
116-117,編號42                                                             兩道凸箍,箍上嵌綠松石連雲紋,劍莖上仍有纏緱遺留。圓盤形劍首
新加坡亞洲文明博物館,新加坡,2000年,編號42                                                此劍式多見於戰國早期,見華盛頓弗瑞爾美術館藏一件戰國銅劍,
香港藝術館,《金木水火土:香港文物收藏精品展》,2002年至2006                                       尺寸稍短,著錄於T.Lawton,《Chinese Art of the Warring States
年,香港(博物館編號CB87)                                                          Period: Change and Continuity, 480-222 BC》,華盛頓,1982年,頁
Max Loehr (1903-1988) was an eminent art historian and professor
of Chinese art at Harvard University from 1960 to 1974. A foremost       對比浙江省博物館藏一件戰國早期越王者旨於賜劍,其劍式及紋飾與
authority in his field of expertise, Professor Loehr published a number  此劍幾無分別,唯其劍格及凸箍上綠松石已經脫落,但絲織纏緱仍保
of books and numerous articles on Chinese art in the fields of archaic   存完好,見《中國青銅器全集:東周5》,北京,頁96-97,編號101-
bronzes, jades and paintings.                                            104。者旨於賜即為越王之子鹿郢。另見1965年湖北江陵望山墓出土
                                                                         的春秋晚期越王勾踐劍,著錄於W.Watson,《The Genius of China》
                                                                         寬從厚格式劍,見《Chinese Bronze Age Weapons》,密歇根,1956年,

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