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A RARE AND INSCRIBED GILT-BRONZE FIGURE                                           清 十七/十八世紀 鎏金銅四世達賴喇嘛雲丹嘉措像
GYATSO (1589-1617)                                                                達賴喇嘛趺坐於雙層蓮座之上,右手歇於膝上,持一蓮莖,順勢開花於右
CHINA, QING DYNASTY, 17TH-18TH CENTURY                                            情莊重慈祥。蓮座後方足沿上有藏文題記,底板刻金剛杵紋。

The Dalai Lama is seated on a double-lotus base, with his right hand resting      來源
on his knee holding the stem of a lotus that blossoms at his shoulder, and        美國Sandor P. Fuss珍藏
his left balancing a turquoise-inset flaming triratna. He is clad in heavy robes  亞洲私人珍藏
with foliate-incised hems, and holds his face in a serene expression with
steady gaze. The back of the lotus base is incised with an inscription in         展覽
Tibetan, and the gilt-bronze base plate is incised with a double-vajra.           《Homage to the Holy: Portraits of Tibet’s Spiritual Teachers》,Rossi &
                                                                                  Rossi,倫敦,2003年11 月6 至28 日
10¡ in. (26.3 cm.) high
PROVENANCE                                                                        D. Weldon 及 S. Sauveniere,《Homage to the Holy: Portraits of Tibet’s
The Sandor P. Fuss Collection, United States                                      Spiritual Teachers》,倫敦,2003年,圖版43號
The property of an Important Asian Collector                                      M. Brauen,《The Dalai Lamas: A Visual History》,蘇黎世,2005年,
                                                                                  66 及288頁,圖版34號
EXHIBITED                                                                         A.M. Rossi 及 F. Rossi,《Buddhist Bronzes from the Sandor P Fuss
Homage to the Holy: Portraits of Tibet’s Spiritual Teachers, Rossi & Rossi,       Collection》,倫敦,2007年,圖版17號
London, 6-28 November 2003
Buddhist Bronzes from the Sandor P Fuss Collection, Rossi & Rossi, New York,
19-27 March 2007

D. Weldon and S. Sauveniere, Homage to the Holy: Portraits of Tibet’s Spiritual
Teachers, London, 2003, no. 43
M. Brauen, The Dalai Lamas: A Visual History, Zurich, 2005, pp. 66, 288
and fig. 34
A.M. Rossi and F. Rossi, Buddhist Bronzes from the Sandor P Fuss Collection,
London, 2007, no. 17

144 Masterpieces of Buddhist Art 大俱足 — 經典亞洲佛教藝術
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