Page 69 - Christie's, materpieces of Buddhist Art December 2, 2015 HK
P. 69

fig. 1                                                                        fig. 2
A rare and important wood figure of Guanyin, North China, circa 13th century  A very rare painted wood figure of a bodhisattva, Jin Dynasty (1115-1234)

(圖一) 約十三世紀 木雕觀音像 華北地區                                                         (圖二) 金 彩繪木雕觀音像

Compare this large and impressive figure with a larger and similarly          參考三尊近似的木雕觀音像:一尊年代及尺寸皆相若,2012年12
dated rare and important sculpture of Guanyin, sold at Christie’s Paris,      月19日於巴黎佳士得拍賣,拍品177號,(圖一);一尊金代木雕觀
19 December 2012, lot 177. (fig. 1) See, also, a standing figure of a
bodhisattva, dated to the Jin dynasty, from the collection of Francisco       音立像,為Francisco Capelo舊藏,2006年9月19日於紐約佳士得
Capelo, sold at Christie’s New York, 19 September 2006, lot 136 (fig. 2).     拍賣,拍品136號(圖二);及一尊坐姿及手勢相同的北宋木雕觀音
Finally, compare with a closely related seated figure of Guanyin with legs    像(圖A),收藏於明尼阿波利斯藝術館。
in dhyanasana and with the hands in similar mudras, at the Minneapolis
Institute of Arts (fig. A).

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