Page 10 - 2019 September 12th Sotheby's Important Chinese Paintings New York
P. 10

瑪麗昂與亨利 · 布劳克珍藏

                         LOTS 1001-1002                             拍品編號1001-1002

           Henry W. Bloch (1922-2019), co-founder of H&R Block   亨利 · W · 布劳克(1922-2019)是 H&R 布洛克税务公
           Inc., and his wife, Marion H. Bloch (1930-2013) were   司的聯合創始人。他與妻子瑪麗昂·布劳克(1930-2013)
           prominent supporters of the arts and numerous civic   長期以來慷慨支持家鄉堪薩斯城的藝術、公民活動
           and philanthropic initiatives in their hometown of   以及慈善事業,美名遠揚。布劳克夫婦為社會留下
           Kansas City, Missouri. Their legacy is particularly   的眾多遺產之中,最為矚目的當屬他們為堪薩斯城
           evident at The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, where the   納爾遜 · 阿特金斯藝術博物館資助的新布劳克樓。此
           Bloch Building expansion opened in 2007 and where   樓於 2007 年落成,2015 年他們又捐贈了一批重要的
           the couple donated their collection of Impressionist   印象派及後印象派收藏。布劳克夫婦熱愛藝術,在
           and Post-Impressionist masterworks in 2015. Under the   納爾遜藝術館資深專家們的指導下,他們的藏品涵
           direction of former Nelson-Atkins director Ted Coe, as   蓋了中國古代繪畫、中國藝術品、英國家具等多種
           well as Ted Graber, interior decorator for the Reagan   門類,伉儷二人幾十年來一直與其珍藏的藝術品朝
           White House, the Blochs assembled a wide-ranging   夕相處。
           collection that included Chinese classical paintings and
           works of art and English furniture, which filled their
           Mission Hills home for decades.

                                                                              張熊 花卉山水 設色紙本 十開扇框

           1001                                                               子羊
           ZHANG XIONG 1803-1886            (5) signed Zixiang, with one seal, zi xiang shu   (四)款識:玉砌秋痕。子祥張熊。鈐
                                            hua                               印:子羊
           FLOWERS AND LANDSCAPE            (6) signed Zixiang Zhang Xiong, with one seal,   (五)款識:擬徐崇嗣沒骨法。子祥。鈐
           ink and color on paper, a set of ten framed fan   illegible        印:子祥書畫
           leaves                           (7) signed Zixiang, with one seal, zi xiang   (六)款識:王忘蓭有此本,因擬其意。
                                            (8) signed Zhang Xiong, with one seal, zi xiang
           (1) signed Zixiang Zhang Xiong, with one seal,   shu hua           子祥張熊。鈐印:一印漫漶不辨
           chen xiong                       (9) signed Zhang Xiong, with one seal, zi xiang   (七)款識:秋堦艷卉。倣白雲溪外史設
           (2) signed Yuanyang hu waishi Zhang Xiong,   (10) signed Zhang Xiong, with one seal, chen   色法。子祥。鈐印:子羊
           with one seal, zi xiang          xiong                             (八)款識:芭蕉葉大梔子肥。張熊寫。
           (3) signed Zixiang Zhang Xiong, with one seal,                     鈐印:子祥書畫
           zi xiang                         each 19 by 52.3 cm. 7½ by 20⅝ in. (10)  (九)款識:張熊作。鈐印:子羊
           (4) signed Zixiang Zhang Xiong, with one seal,   $ 12,000-18,000
           zi xiang                                                           (十)款識:仿甌香館法。張熊。鈐印:

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