Page 5 - 2019 September 12th Sotheby's Important Chinese Paintings New York
P. 5

                             CHINESE PAINTINGS

                             & CALLIGRAPHY

                             AUCTION IN NEW YORK
                             12 SEPTEMBER 2019
                             SALE N10114
                             10:00 AM

                             ALL EXHIBITIONS FREE              The artists’ names recorded in this catalogue are not to be taken as unqualified
                             AND OPEN TO THE PUBLIC            attributions to the artists named. No unqualified attributions to any artist or
                             Friday 6 September                date are made or intended. The current scholarship in the field of Chinese
                             10 am-5 pm                        paintings and calligraphy does not permit unqualified statements as to
                                                               authorship or date of execution. Therefore, the property in this catalogue is
                             Saturday 7 September              sold  “AS IS” in accordance with the Conditions of Sale and subject to a
                             10 am-5 pm                        limited guarantee of authenticity as set forth in the Terms of Guarantee. Any
                                                               assistance given by Sotheby’s staff to a buyer in selecting a purchase is given
                             Sunday 8 September                without prejudice to the above. Buyers are recommended to take independent
                             10 am-5 pm                        professional advice on selection of purchases.
                             Monday 9 September                本圖錄所刊載的藝術家姓名由專家以資料判斷而定,敝公司絕不蓄意作出無證據之
                             10 am-5 pm                        判定。現今中國字畫學術研究領域並不容許對作者或作品完成日期作出無條件聲
                             Tuesday 10 September              記載的有限真品保證。任何蘇富比僱員給予買家之諮詢與建議均不損害以上條文的
                             10 am-5 pm                        效用。買家應於登記出價前徵詢獨立專家意見。
                             Wednesday 11 September
                             10 am-5 pm
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                                                               the sale. Please note all rosewood (Huanghuali) materials are now CITES
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