Page 69 - Bonhams May 2017 London Fine Japanese Art
P. 69
132 133
133 134
Edo period (1615-1868), late 18th century
The ressei-style mask lacquered with dark
sabinuri, the nose detachable and with odayori-
no-kugi on the cheeks, the wide mouth with
gilt teeth, a hair moustache, and a chin tuft,
the three-lame iron yodarekake attached to the
mask by stencilled leather, the plates covered
in a coarse-grained leather black-lacquered
and laced in blue and white shobugawa, the
interior gold lacquered; unsigned.
£1,200 - 1,500
JPY170,000 - 210,000
US$1,500 - 1,900
Edo period (1615-1868), 18th century
The russet-iron ressei mask well-forged with
a detachable nose and odayori-no-kugi
beneath the chin, a hair moustache, and
hair inserted in the asenagashi-no-ana at a
later date, the two-lame leather hon kozane
yodarekake black-lacquered and laced in
white kebiki odoshi attached to the mask
by a strip of stencilled leather; unsigned.
£4,000 - 5,000
JPY550,000 - 690,000
US$5,000 - 6,200
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please refer to paragraphs 7 & 8 of the Notice to Bidders at the back of the catalogue.