Page 17 - Christies March 14 2017 Tibetan Bronzes NYC
P. 17

actual size  Magzor Gyalmo, the Glorious Goddess, is a wrathful emanation of the
                                                                         peaceful goddess Saraswati. Known for her powers to turn back armies, she
210                                                                      is revered as one of the fercest protector deities in the Buddhist pantheon.
A BRONZE FIGURE OF MAGZOR GYALMO                                         She is depicted seated side-saddle atop a mule, wearing a garland of freshly
                                                                         severed heads and an animal skin around her waist. In her left hand she holds
TIBET OR MONGOLIA, 17TH CENTURY                                          a skullcup overfowing with blood.
4Ω in. (11.4 cm.) high
$18,000-25,000                                                                                                                                                                     15


Beverly Coburn Collection, California by 1972.
Acquired by the current owner from the above, 2012.


Himalayan Art Resource (, item no.24288
西藏或蒙古 十七世紀 吉祥天母銅像
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