Page 21 - Christies March 14 2017 Tibetan Bronzes NYC
P. 21

214                                                                      This rare early bronze fgure of Vajrapani perfectly embodies the Northeast
A BRONZE FIGURE OF VAJRAPANI                                             Indian sculptural style in Tibet. Compare with a larger bronze fgure of Acala in
                                                                         the Collection of the Potala Palace which displays very similar modeling of the
NORTHEASTERN INDIA OR WESTERN TIBET, 12TH CENTURY                        body, facial features, hair, jewelry and the tall double-lotus base. Both works
4Ω in. (11.8 cm.) high                                                   also retain orange polychromy in the hair and a lustrous patina overall (U. von
                                                                         Schroeder, Buddhist Sculptures in Tibet, Vol II: Tibet and China, Hong Kong,
$25,000-35,000                                                           2001, p.1112,


Nils Nessim Collection (1916-1974), Sweden; thence by descent.
Acquired by the current owner from a public sale, Sweden, 13 June 2014.


Himalayan Art Resource (, item no.24291
印度東北部或西藏西部 十二世紀 金剛手菩薩銅像

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