Page 127 - Fine Chiense Paintings Mar. 20, 2018
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          140                                                             喻仲林 梅花/書法 設色/水墨紙本 
          YU ZHONGLIN (1925-1985)                                         鏡片/鏡框 一九八〇年作
          Blossoms/Calligraphy                                            1. 題識:吟到梅花句亦香。庚申(1980年)重陽
          Blossoms: Scroll, mounted for framing, ink and color on paper   前一日,仲林。
          Calligraphy: Scroll, mounted and framed, ink on paper           鈐印:喻性根、仲林、花好月圓人長壽
          Blossoms measures 11 æ x 12 ¬ in. (30 x 32 cm.)                 2. 題識:
          Calligraphy measures 12 æ x 11 æ in. (32.5 x 30 cm.)            茆舍竹籬短,梅花吐未齊。
          Both scrolls inscribed and signed, with a total of fve seals of the artist  晚來溪徑側,雪壓小橋低。
          Both scrolls dated ninth month, gengshen year (1980)            庚申(1980年)九月以應。路明女弟屬,仲林。
          Calligraphy dedicated to Madame Luming                    (2)   鈐印:喻仲林、鬲化軒
          $900-2,500                                                      註:上款人路明,乃錢路明,美藉華人,其父為
          The recipient’s name “Luming” refers to Qian Luming, a Chinese-American born to   。錢路明畢業於中國文化大學美術系,少年曾拜
          the Nationalist general Mr. Qian Zhen. Qian Zhen, style name Boqi, once worked as   喻仲林為師。 1980年路明回台,重陽節前一天
          the president of China Daily News. Qian Luming started learning from Yu Zhonglin   專程拜訪俞老師,並精心挑選了此工筆重彩的巨
          at a young age and graduated from Chinese Culture University with a major in Art.   幅荷花圖,同時,俞老師揮毫題詩並贈寫意梅花
          Luming went back to Taiwan in 1980 and visited her teacher Yu the day before the   一幀,三幅書畫珍藏至今卅七年矣。
          Double-Ninth Festival. She carefully selected this meticulously depicted large painting
          of Lotus. Mr. Yu also composed a poem along with a painting of plum blossom.
          These three pieces have been treasured for thirty-seven years.                                     125
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