Page 46 - Arts D'Asie June 20 2017 Christie's
P. 46

■ ~54

                                      RARE BANC EN HONGMU, DENG
                                      CHINE, DYNASTIE QING, XVIIIEME-XIXEME SIECLE

                                      L’assise rectangulaire à châssis est garnie d’une natte tressée. La
                                      ceinture ornée de volutes stylisées en console, adossées deux à deux,
                                      repose sur quatre pieds de section rectangulaire ornés de ruyi stylisés.
                                      Hauteur : 46.9 cm. (18Ω in.), longueur : 102.2 cm. (40º in.),
                                      profondeur : 33.7 cm. (13º in.)

                                      €20,000-25,000                                    $22,000-27,000


                                      With R.H. Ellsworth,Ltd., New York, 15 May 1973.
                                      Private European collection.


                                      R. H. Ellsworth, Chinese Furniture: Hardwood Examples of the Ming
                                      and Early Ch’ing Dynasties, New York, 1971, p. 163, pl. 119 (fg. 1).

                                      A RARE HONGMU RECESSED-LEG BENCH, DENG
                                      CHINA, QING DYNASTY, 18TH-19TH CENTURY

                                      清十八至十九世紀 紅木長凳


                                      出版:R. H. Ellsworth 安思遠, Chinese Furniture: Hardwood Examples
                                      of the Ming and Early Ch’ing Dynasties 中國家具 明清硬木家具典範,
                                      New York, 1971, p. 163, pl. 119.

                                      The present bench is distinguished by the fnely carved archaistic
                                      details on the legs and aprons. Compare a smaller huanghuali bench
                                      with ruyi-form spandrels and square-section legs illustrated by
                                      C. Evarts, A Leisurely Pursuit: Splendid Hardwood Antiquities from
                                      the Liang Yi Collection, Hong Kong, 2000, pp. 56-57, no. 6. See,
                                      also, a slightly larger bench with shallow ruyi-carved details on the
                                      spandrels, the property of Dr. Otto Burchard, illustrated by G. Ecke,
                                      Chinese Domestic Furniture, Rutland, Vermont and Tokyo, 1962, pl. 56.

© Courtesy of Hei Hung Lu

                           (fg. 1.).                  Purchase invoice in 1973.
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