Page 32 - Yuan Dynasty Ceramics
P. 32

Chapter 07 (pp. 330-385)_Layout 1  7/7/10  5:42 PM  Page 361

                                                                                   7.42. Qingbai oval dish with molded leaf
                                                                                   decoration and poem written in copper
                                                                                   red, Yuan dynasty, 15.1 cm x 13.2 cm.
                                                                                   Made at Jingdezhen, recovered from the
                                                                                   Sinan shipwreck of 1323. National
                                                                                   Museum of Korea, Seoul.

                                                                                   7.43. Qiingbai sauce dishes with
                                                                                   underglaze iron brown decoration of
                                                                                   xi’niu (unicorn-like mythical auspicious
                                                                                   animal, left), and rabbit (right), Yuan
                                                                                   dynasty, 12.2–12.4 cm diameter. Made at
                                                                                   Jingdezhen, recovered from the Sinan
                                                                                   shipwreck of 1323. National Museum of
                                                                                   Korea, Seoul.

              Inscribed tags, which served as bills of lading, were at-  Korea. Significantly, some of the fine wares, such as a
            tached  to  the  wooden  boxes  containing  ceramics  celadon vase with a dragon-fish handle and a phoenix-
            wrapped  in  paper  and  provide  important  information  headed vase, are thought by some scholars to have been
            about this vessel’s last voyage in 1323 (the third year of  manufactured during the Southern Song. In addition, no
            Shiji). 118  The Chinese ship was bound for Hakata (present-  pieces of blue and white porcelain were found.
            day Fukuoka, Japan) from its home port of Ningbo in    Most of the ceramics recovered from the shipwreck
            Zhejiang province. Parts of the cargo were shipments to  were  made  at  the  Longquan,  Jingdezhen,  and  Jizhou
            the Tofukuji Temple in Kyoto and the subordinate Jotenji  kilns. There were also a number of Jun-type flowerpots
            Tacchu temple in Hakata. 119  The ship’s final destination  and black-glazed storage bottles made at minor kilns in
            may have been Southeast Asia, since the large numbers  China. The clay body of some jars and bottles is similar to
            of Jingdezhen wares with qingbai glaze (yingqing or shadow  those of measuring jars known to have been made at the
            blue) on board were not usually imported by Japan or  Qili (Ganzhou) kilns in Jiangxi province. More sparsely

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