Page 23 - Christies March 16, 2017 The Varata Collection NYC
P. 23

Bebe Virata at an archaeological excavation of Chinese export  Chinese furniture and porcelains were displayed alongside
ware at the Santa Ana church she sponsored for the National    other works of art of both Asian and Western origin. From the
Museum of the Philippines, 1966.                               1960s, Mrs. Virata began to acquire a signifcant collection of
                                                               religious ephemera and sacred art, in addition to gold of the
碧碧•維勒泰攝於其所贊助之菲律賓國家博物館考古項目中國出口瓷器                                Philippines’ pre-Hispanic period. Never one to simply follow
出土現場,聖安娜教堂,1966年。                                              trends, Mrs. Virata’s collecting was inherently connected to her
                                                               diverse scholarly interests and a passion for history, exploration,
                                                               and beauty.

Luis and Giovanna Virata were raised surrounded by their mother’s exceptional collection
of fne art. It was a love she sought to pass on through family visits to museums, galleries,
and auction houses around the world. In addition to funding archaeological projects and
academic initiatives, Mrs. Virata was a supporter of institutions such as the Museo de la
Salle in Dasmariñas, which faithfully recreates the lifestyle of nineteenth-century Ilustrados.
Committed to both culture and community, the collector strove to improve the lives of
individuals from all walks of life, and gave generously to charitable organizations and
outreach programs in the Philippines and beyond.

In the years prior to her death
in 2015, Marie Theresa Virata
continued the tradition of
collecting and philanthropy that
had brought so much joy to her
life. For the collector, works of
art stood as true markers of
learning— the keys to unlocking
aesthetic puzzles, historical
enigmas, and the mysteries of
the human spirit. Lauded in the
Philippines for her graciousness
and generosity, Marie Theresa
Virata’s achievements in
collecting—and the beauty she
inspired in the world—remain
worthy of celebration.

                                                               Keita Itoh, Leo Virata, Luis Virata, and Robert Ellsworth, Manila, 1985.

                                                               THE MARIE THERESA L. V I R ATA C O L L E C T I O N OF ASIAN ART: A FAMILY LEGACY  21
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