Page 108 - Jie Rui Tang Kangxi porcelain mar 2018
P. 108
Fig. 1 A doucai ‘immortals’ jardinière, Kangxi
mark and period, Palace Museum, Beijing
© The Palace Museum, Beijing
㕬♧ 幢䐁擳 놽䕙➃暟秙螦蔅䒭蔅渝 佦㹨⽈暟ꤎ ⻍❩
h ⻍❩佦㹨⽈暟ꤎ
Lam further proposes that porcelains combining longevity subjects 卌孒⚛鶤㥶姽䎃妵괐呔⚛䌟Ꟁ㡽㺲䠑⛓櫙㐼
and this style of reign mark were produced in 1722 in anticipation 䥰醢倴1722䎃捀彋⪔䐁擳䋷妄䎃♬⼧蠝㡽䣔
of the Emperor’s 70th birthday the following year (ibid., p. 44). This Ⱙ罜醢ⴀ贖ず♳갤44姽铞莅㾅䘋➋䠑鋅湱
corroborates Watt’s opinion that the National Palace Museum’s jardinière 痘㾅孒钢捀佦㹨⽈暟ꤎ佐询秙귇괐呔湱鵜⛓
of a similar subject and style was made as part of a set speci" cally for the 蔅渝⛇捀䐁擳涽䋷㡽鴇暶醢鶤ⴀ贖갤506
Kangxi emperor’s birthday (op. cit., p. 506). Paintings of Qing imperial 錚幢㹨㡽㹶殥⡲〳鋅蔅渝〢㐼酤귇ㅷ瘞
birthdays illustrate the display of jardinières, antiquities, and artworks ꤫鏤歋姽〳倬姽겳蔅渝䥰⡲渿鯺蔅⼰嗃暟
as part of the opulent celebrations, which suggests that this group of ⣘频㹐錚颣⛓欽〳罌䐁擳Ⱉ⼧蠝㡽䣔Ⱙ㕬
imperially marked ‘longevity’ jardinières would have been " lled with ⿻✝ꥑⰔ⼧蠝㡽䣔Ⱙ㕬 鋅 շChina: The Three
appropriate plants and placed on view for guests to admire during the Emperors,1662-1795ո涽㹻谁遯灇瑖ꤎ⧍
festivities. For paintings illustrating the Kangxi emperor’s 60th birthday 侚2005䎃管贫25⿻26
celebration and the Qianlong emperor’s 70th birthday celebration, see
China: The Three Emperors, 1662-1795, Royal Academy of Arts, London,
2005, cat. nos 25 and 26.
Imperial Kangxi jardinières of this birthday-themed group share 䧴捀Ⱉ倰䧴Ⱄ倰䧴蔅〡䧴稇〡䧴㕖駈䧴
a number of features including impressive size, doucai decoration, 㥶䠑駈㥶劥ㅷⰔ倰㕖駈罏倴ず겳ㅷ㐼⚥㽍㿂
faceted bodies, immortality motifs, and two horizontal six-character 棇縂罌♧❀䕙Ⱄ倰蔅渝⢿粭蔅둷㕬幢㹨
reign marks inscribed in underglaze blue on the underside of the rim. 莍询植㶸⻍❩佦㹨⽈暟ꤎꏗշ佦㹨⽈暟ꤎ询
Known examples have either six or eight sides, an everted rim that is 俒暟棇ㅷ㣐禺❀䕙놽䕙ո껻度1999䎃管贫
either shaped or geometric, and either a continuous waisted foot or 95〥鋅♧⢿駈鿈秙귇莅劥ㅷ湱겳粭蔅둷㕬
multiple ruyi-form feet. The large square-section planters with canted ⴀ荈 Brooke Astor 佐询㈒秣秉豤㺢嫲2012䎃9
corners and a continuous waisted foot, as seen here, are the rarest of the 剢24傈管贫626
formulations. A famille-verte jardinière of this form with bird and ! ower
motifs from the Qing Court Collection and now in the Palace Museum is
illustrated in Complete Collection of Treasures of the Palace Museum:
Porcelains in Polychrome and Contrasting Colors, Hong Kong, 1999, cat.
no. 95. A jardinière of related form, with the same base decoration but
with bird and ! ower decoration from the collection of Brooke Astor was
sold in these rooms, 24th September 2012, lot 626.