Page 109 - Jie Rui Tang Kangxi porcelain mar 2018
P. 109

Detail lot 367

                           Three doucai jardinières belonging to the Imperial ‘birthday’ group have   〥鋅♲湱겳蔅渝⢿ⴕ询Ⰽ䁘佦㹨⽈暟ꤎⰦ
                           remained  in  the  Palace  collections.  An  elongated  hexagonal  example   ♧ツⰙ倰䕎螦蔅〡粭嵳㾋幑㡽㕬⿻➲➃牝
                           with  a  waisted  foot,  shaped  rim,  and  an  image  of  male  immortals  by   㡽㕬询⻍❩佦㹨⽈暟ꤎ⵹鶤ⴀ贖管贫192
                           a  roiling  sea  is  now  in  the  Palace  Museum,  Beijing,  ibid.,  cat.  no.  192  㕬♧Ⱖ✳捀㥶䠑駈询〵⻍㕜用佦㹨⽈暟
                           (  g. 1). A second jardinière with this shape and subject, but supported   ꤎꏗ倰耂⿻㾅䘋➋⵹鶤ⴀ贖㕬晝289Ⱖ♲
                           on ruyi feet, is in the collection of the National Palace Museum, Taipei,   ず询〵⻍㕜用佦㹨⽈暟ꤎツⰙ倰䕎㥶䠑駈鯺
                           illustrated by Wen C. Fong and James C. Y. Watt, op. cit., pl. 289. The  շ佦㹨询櫙幢䕙櫙♧ո껻度1969䎃㕬晝5
                           third  of  this  type,  also  in  the  National  Palace  Museum,  Taipei,  is  of   ⧍侚豤㺢嫲剎㈒♧㼩⢿蔅〡粭麥來➲➃㕬
                           hexagonal form set on ruyi feet, illustrated in Porcelain of the National   ㈒1979䎃7剢10傈管贫175〥嫲♧⢿粭➲➃
                           Palace Museum: Enameled Ware of the Qing Dynasty, vol. 1, Hong Kong,   㕬螦〡駈귇Ꟛ⯕㈒껻度⢕㡦䖤2005䎃11剢
                           1969, pl. 5. A related pair of elongated hexagonal jardinières with male   28傈管贫1336ⱄ嫲♧⢿粭➲➃㕬螦〡㥶
                           Daoist  immortals  and  lobed  rims  sold  at  Sotheby’s  London,  10th  July   䠑駈㈒껻度豤㺢嫲1974䎃10剢31傈荛11剢1傈
                           1979, lot 175. A similar example with male immortals, a shaped rim, and   管贫271䖕僒䩛倴秣秉⢕㡦䖤2011䎃9剢15荛
                           a diaper pattern around the waisted foot sold at Christie’s Hong Kong,   16傈管贫1549⟃♳䨾⴪蔅渝⢿䎃妵剅㻨㖳
                           28th November 2005, lot 1336. Another jardinière, also with male Daoist   莅劥ㅷ湱ず
                           immortals and a shaped rim but resting on ruyi feet sold at Sotheby’s
                           Hong  Kong,  31st  October  –  1st  November  1974,  lot  271  and  again  at
                           Christie’s New York, 15th-16th September 2011, lot 1549. In each case,
                           the reign mark is written in the same manner with a vertical stroke at the
                           interior of the ‘moon’ radical in ‘Qing’.

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