Page 55 - Jie Rui Tang Kangxi porcelain mar 2018
P. 55

Detail lot 322

                           Related  comparable  large  vases  but  more  summarily  painted  with   ⚥㕜⽇暟긬诡⚥❠鋅侷⢾湱㣐櫕կ鋅♧ꫬ蔄
                           shaped  panels  enclosing  beasts  and  ! owers  reserved  on  a  stippled   問圕櫕⢾㽯㼄湱殹粭➃暟佦✲㕭⻌❩佦㹨
                           ground include one illustrated in Walter Bondy, K’ang-hsi, Munich, 1923,   ⽇暟ꤎ佐诡㕭鯺倴꤫情字箠շ佦㹨⽇暟ꤎ诡
                           pp. 136 and 140 and two from Collection of John D. Rockefeller and the   幡➿櫘㐼鼆ո⽷1շ幡갫屛䐀擳劊ꫬ蔄櫘ո
                           Metropolitan Museum of Art sold at Christie’s New York 15th September   ⻌❩2005䎃㕭晜293կ〥鋅♧ꫬ蔄⢾粭㿋宐
                           2016, lots 870 and 871.                         㕭诡♳嵳⽇暟긬ꏖշ♳嵳⽇暟긬诡䐀擳櫘㕭
                           It  appears  few  examples  of  these  important  large  scale  vases  are  in
                           Chinese museum collections. A blue and white rouleau vase of the same
                           height painted with a " gural scene is in the Palace Museum, Beijing and   劥ㅷ⢵彂噱⢕剒ⴲ歋鸑麋Ⱆ぀㈒ⴀկ鸑麋Ⱆ
                           illustrated  in  Chen  Runmin,  ed.,  Gugong  Bowuyuan  cang  Qingdai  ciqi   ぀歋䓹➃⪁   1877 1950   倴1902䎃ⶾ用կ䓹孒
                           lei  xuan  [Qing  porcelains  from  the  Palace  Museum  Collection  Selected   ⛇殹儗幡䒄꽏䊼랫㣐⢪ꦐ㆞鷳麔劊⚥➃腟
                           by  Type],  vol.  1:  Qing  Shunzhi  Kangxi  chao  qinghua  ci  [Blue-and-white   䱹鍹㹨䒄顜ⱋ谀遮佐诡կ䓹孒倴1939䎃獴㾀姗
                           porcelain  of  the  Shunzhi  and  Kangxi  reigns  of  the  Qing],  Beijing,  2005,   崍䖔鼃荛秢秉կ鸑麋Ⱆ぀荈1925䎃饰鸑麔秢
                           pl. 293. Another blue and white vase of the same impressive dimensions   秉  American  Art  Associates  莉遤麔㢴㜥䬝颪կ
                           but painted with a landscape is in the Shanghai Museum and illustrated   鑪䬝遤倴1938䎃歋  Parke Bernet  Galleries  䱹
                           in Kangxi Porcelain Wares from the Shanghai Museum Collection, Hong   䱍䖔➠糒糵莉遤鸑麋Ⱆ぀䬝颪荛❀⼧䎃➿կ刿
                           Kong,  1998,  pl.  52.  In  describing  the  vase,  Lu  Minghua  comments   㢴鑬䞔〳⿮罌 Roy Davids ⿻ Dominic Jellinek,
                           particularly  on  both  the  technical  skill  required  to  model  such  large  շProvenance:  Collectors,  Dealers  &  Scholars
                           pieces and the superlative quality of the painting.  in  the  Field  of  Chinese  Ceramics  in  Britain  &
                                                                           AmericaոGreat Haseley2011䎃갤421 422կ
                           Provenance from Tonying & Co. is notable. The company was founded
                           in  1902  by  Zhang  Renjie  (1877-1950)  who  was  an  attaché  of  the  Qing
                           government to Paris.  Through favorable government connections Zhang
                           enjoyed privileged access to art collections of the nobility as well as the
                           imperial family. Zhang emigrated from China in 1939, living " rst in Europe
                           and  then  in  New  York.  From  at  least  1925  the  " rm  held  several  sales
                           through  the  American  Art  Associates  in  New  York,  which  in  1938  was
                           taken over by Parke-Bernet Galleries who continued to hold auctions for
                           Tonying through the 1950s. For further reading on the subject see Roy
                           Davids and Dominic Jellinek, Provenance: Collectors, Dealers & Scholars
                           in the Field of Chinese Ceramics in Britain & America, Great Haseley, 2011,
                           pp 421-422.

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