Page 143 - Chiense works of art sothebys march 14 2017 nyc
P. 143


A ‘YAOZHOU’ CELADON-GLAZED                            For similar examples, see one in the Palace
MYTHICAL BEAST-FORM LAMP                              Museum, Beijing, illustrated in The Complete
NORTHERN SONG / JIN DYNASTY                           Collection of Treasures of the Palace Museum.
                                                      Porcelain of the Song Dynasty (I), Hong Kong
the beast modeled standing four square on a at        1996, pl. 138; another in the Xi’an Museum, Xi’an,
rectangular base with its head facing forward,        included in the exhibition China’s Beauty of 2,000
detailed with sharp fangs, ared nostrils, bushy       Years, Tokyo, 1965, cat. no. 49; and a third sold in
eyebrows and spiral mane, the tail curled up          our London rooms, 17th December 1980, lot 558.
over its back, the body adorned with tasseled
trappings, supporting on its back a shallow dish      $ 25,000-30,000
carved with a formalized oral bloom in the
center, covered overall with a lustrous olive-green
glaze, save for the base left unglazed to reveal the
gray stoneware body
Height 3¾ in., 9.6 cm

                                                      PROPERTY OF A HONG KONG PRIVATE COLLECTOR IMPORTANT CHINESE ART  141
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