Page 219 - Chiense works of art sothebys march 14 2017 nyc
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A CARVED BAMBOO ‘FISHERMAN’                          A CARVED BAMBOO ‘THREE                            A CARVED BAMBOO ‘SCHOLAR’
WRISTREST, SIGNED HU CHEN                            HORSES’ WRISTREST,                                WRISTREST
QING DYNASTY                                         SIGNED LIN JIEHOU                                 QING DYNASTY, 17TH / 18TH
                                                     20TH CENTURY                                      CENTURY
of arched rectangular form, carved in low-relief to
the top with a sherman shing by water, below         of arched rectangular form, carved to the top     of convex rectangular form, carved to the top
a gnarled overhanging pine tree growing from a       with three horses frolicking in a landscape,      in relief with a scholar playing a qin in a walled
craggy cli , inscribed with six characters reading   accompanied by an inscription reading yumi        garden, accompanied by an attendant standing
renxu qiu Hu Chen zuo (made by Hu Chen in the        qianliju xianyou yanzhongjing (one needs to have  beside a gnarled pine tree and banana, the
autumn of renxu year), the surface patinated to a    the eye before nding a good horse), followed      surface patinated to a warm reddish-brown color
warm reddish-brown color                             by another inscription xinwei xia siyue Wujun     Length 6¾ in., 17 cm
Length 8⅝ in., 22 cm                                 Peng Shounian zuo (painted by Peng Shounian
                                                     of Wujun in the summer, on the fourth month of    $ 8,000-12,000
$ 5,000-7,000                                        xinwei year), the lower left with two seals, one
                                                     reading Lingyingxuan cang (collected by the
                                                     Studio of Shadow Forest), the other reading Lin
                                                     Jiehou kan (carved by Lin Jiehou), the bamboo
                                                     patinated to a golden-brown color
                                                     Length 11¾ in., 30 cm

                                                     Lin Zhaolu (1887-1966), zi Jiehou, a native of
                                                     Suzhou, Jiangsu province, was a renowned
                                                     bamboo and seal carver.

                                                     $ 8,000-12,000

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