Page 70 - Chiense works of art sothebys march 14 2017 nyc
P. 70


PROPERTY FROM THE ESTATE OF ELAINE                    PROVENANCE                                        Jay C Le  1962
                                                      Collection of Jay C. Le , Uniontown,
A LARGE CAST-IRON HEAD OF                             Pennsylvania, until 1962.
YUAN / EARLY MING DYNASTY                             Compare a number of similarly cast smaller
                                                      heads of Guanyin, including one formerly in
the bodhisattva with serene expression, the           the collection of The Asian Art Museum of San
eyelids lowered between long pendulous ears, the      Francisco, sold in these rooms, 18th October
eyebrows, lips and mustache outlined with thin        1974, lot 32; another from the collection of
raised lines, the hair also lined and dressed at the  Felix Guggenheim, o ered in these rooms, 1st
front in overlapping curls, a platform around the     May 1978, lot 64; and another, complete with
chignon on the top of the head pierced for the        the original diadem, illustrated by Alan Priest,
attachment of a diadem, stand (2)                     Chinese Sculpture in the Metropolitan Museum of
Height 17⅛ in., 43.4 cm                               Art, New York, 1944, pl. CXXIII.

                                                      $ 15,000-20,000

                                                                                                        Lot 547 in the home of Elaine Lustig Cohen, circa 1964

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