Page 28 - Christie's Mineo Hata Collection Sept. 21, 2023
P. 28

~ⱷ854                                                                                                                ⱷ855

              A SMALL RITUAL BRONZE WINE VESSEL, ZHI                     商晚期 西周׀ǎՌ元ע十ˏˠ紀ǎ                                          A LARGE BRONZE CIRCULAR 'LION AND                        唐ǎ銀ạẬ葡萄紋鏡
              LATE SHANG-EARLY WESTERN ZHOU DYNASTY, 11TH CENTURY BC     青銅雷紋」                                                     GRAPEVINE' MIRROR
                                                                         銘文:子ηḍ̋寶彝                                                 TANG DYNASTY (AD 618-907)                                Ϝ源
              The pear-shaped vessel is cast with a narrow band of leiwen and a pair of thin                                                                                                    年已Ն日本境Շ
              bow-string bands on the tall foot. The interior is cast with a six-character   Ϝ源                                    One side is crisply cast in relief with a central lion-form knob surrounded by   秦峰⁸珍藏
              inscription, zi zuo fu yi bao yi (son made this precious vessel for Father Yi),        年代已Ն日本境Շ                      three writhing beasts interspersed with three winged horses amidst a fruit-
              and the base is cast with a cicada.                        秦峰⁸珍藏
                                                                                                                                   laden grapevine. The outer band depicts various animals including lions, birds
              5q in. (14 cm.) high, hardwood stand, Japanese double wood box                                                       and horses amidst further fruiting grapevine, below a narrow border of clouds
                                                                         The inscription cast on the interior of the current       on the raised rim. The reverse is plain.
                                                                         zhi can be found on a bronze gui illustrated by Yan
                                                                                                                                   8æ in. (22.3 cm.) diam., Japanese fitted wood box inscribed by Hata Zoroku II
                                                                         Yiping, Jinwen zongji, Taipei, 1983, p. 1130, no. 2157.
              PROVENANCE:                                                Also illustrated, p. 3564, no. 6559, is a zhi of similar
              In Japan prior to the 1970s.                               size to the present vessel cast with a similar band       $15,000-18,000
              Mineo Hata Collection, Kobe, Japan.                        of leiwen and thin bow-string bands on the tall foot.

                                                                                                                                   In Japan by 1936.
                                                                                                                                   Mineo Hata Collection, Kobe, Japan.


                                                                           (detail of inscription)  (with box)

       26     M I N E O  H A T A  A N  I N S T I N C T I V E  E Y E                                                                                                                                           靈心慧目ě秦峰⁸中४藝術集珍            27
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