Page 40 - Christie's Mineo Hata Collection Sept. 21, 2023
P. 40

              A RARE CIZHOU SGRAFFIATO COMPRESSED                        ٫宋ǎ⌘州⒋白ঃץ➁枝花卉紋➬
              GLOBULAR JAR
              NOTHERN SONG DYNASTY (AD 960-1127)
     至  年代
              The deep, rounded sides are carved through an ivory-toned slip to the pale grey
              ground with a broad band of leafy floral scroll, between lappet borders, all under
              a clear glaze.
              6º in. (15.9 cm.) diam., Japanese double wood box

              Mayuyama, Tokyo, 1970s-80s.
              Mineo Hata Collection, Kobe, Japan.

              A Cizhou jar of comparable size, but of slightly more compressed form and
              carved through an ivory-toned slip to a pale grey ground with a wide band of
              leafy floral scroll, is illustrated in Song Ceramics from the Kwan Collection,
              Hong Kong Museum of Art, 1994, pp. 326-7, no. 145, where it is dated late
              Northern Song. On the Kwan jar, a band of diagonal, overlapping petals is carved
              on the shoulder while a similar band appears on the lower body of the current
              jar. A larger (20 cm. high) Northern Song rounded jar carved with stylized peony
              scroll through a white slip ground, in the Idemitsu Museum of Arts, is illustrated
              in Sung Ceramics, Tokyo, 1979, mo. 93.

                                      (with boxes)

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