Page 42 - Christie's Mineo Hata Collection Sept. 21, 2023
P. 42

ⱷ863                                                                                                                 ⱷ864
              A CARVED YAOZHOU CELADON 'LOTUS' BOWL                      ٫宋ǎ耀州⒋青釉ח蓮瓣紋盌                                             A MARBLE-VENEERED BOWL                                      ٫宋 金ǎ絞胎紋盌
              NORTHERN SONG DYNASTY (AD 960-1127)                                                                                  NORTHERN SONG-JIN DYNASTY (AD 960-1234)
                                                                         Ϝ源                                                                                                                    Ϝ源
              The exterior of the bowl is carved with three rows of overlapping lotus petals   秦峰⁸珍藏
 日本                       The bowl has rounded sides and is covered overall with a thin veneer of marbled   秦峰⁸珍藏
              extending from the foot rim. The bowl is covered overall with a glaze of olive-                                      dark brown and cream-color clay, all under a clear glaze.
              green tone.
                                                                                                                                   5º in. (13.3 cm.) diam., cloth box
              5º in. (13.3 cm.) diam., Japanese wood box
              PROVENANCE:                                                                                                          Mineo Hata Collection, Kobe, Japan.
              Mineo Hata Collection, Kobe, Japan.
                                                                                                                                   Marbling, known in Chinese as jiao tai (mixed clay), became a popular decorative
                                                                                                                                   technique on ceramics of the Tang dynasty and continued to be employed

                                                                                                                                   throughout the Song-Jin period at a number of northern kilns, including the
                                                                                                                                   Kuangshan kilns in Jiaozuo and the Dangyangyu kilns in Xiuwu county, both in
                                                                                                                                   northern Henan province. The marbled appearance could be achieved either
                                                                                                                                   by combining clays of different colors when making the vessel, or by slicing the
                                                                                                                                   twisted and kneaded clay into thin layers that would be laminated to the surface
                                                                                                                                   of the vessel, as is the case with the present bowl. In either case, the piece was
                                                                                                                                   covered afterwards with a transparent glaze.
                                                                                                                                                                                                              (another view)

       40     M I N E O  H A T A  A N  I N S T I N C T I V E  E Y E                                                                                                                                           靈心慧目ě秦峰⁸中४藝術集珍            41
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