Page 46 - Christie's Mineo Hata Collection Sept. 21, 2023
P. 46


              A VERY RARE QINGBAI EWER, COVER,                           南宋ǎ青白釉帶Ờ鈕蓋執ૐ及溫盌
              AND WARMING BASIN
              SOUTHERN SONG DYNASTY (1127-1279)
                                                                         山˗朔郎 	    年生
 珍藏 	據標籤
 東̺ 	據木盒標籤
              The ewer with hexalobed body is applied with a molded petal collar, and is set
              with a curved spout opposite the arched, strap handle. The cover is surmounted
              by a figure of a lion and is pierced with two holes for attachment. The deep basin   展覽
              is raised on a high foot molded with pendent overlapping petals and is divided   和泉市
     年  月  日
              into seven lobes, which are incised with stylized floral decoration. The ewer,
              cover and basin are covered overall with a translucent glaze of pale bluish tone.  ֨ḛ
              Ewer and cover: 9 in. (22.9 cm.) high, Japanese wood box   圖ḛ   號
              Basin: 6q in. (16.5 cm.) diam.                      (2)
                                                                         It is very rare to find a ewer that has survived alongside
                                                                         its corresponding basin. A Northern Song dynasty
                                                                         qingbai ewer with a very similar cover surmounted by
              PROVENANCE:                                                a seated lion, also with a lobed warming basin, was
              Yamashita Sakuro (b. 1908) Collection (according to label).  excavated in 2004 at Shangdang commune, Dantu
              Hirano Kotoken, Tokyo (according to label on box).         county, Zhenjiang city, and is illustrated in Zhongguo
              Mineo Hata Collection, Kobe, Japan.                        chutu ciqi quanji - 7 – Jiangsu Shanghai (Complete
                                                                         Collection of Ceramic Art Unearthed in China), vol. 7,
                                                                         Beijing, 2008, no. 116. The Shangdang basin, however,
              Izumi, Kubosō Memorial Museum of Arts, Sosogu utsuwa (Ewers),
                                                                         lacks the band of molded petals around the foot.
              10 October 1986.

              Kubosō Memorial Museum of Arts, Sosogu utsuwa (Ewers), Izumi, 1986, p. 62,
              no. 116.

                                (with box)

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