Page 114 - Fine Japanese Netsuke, Sagemono, Oikimono April 29, 2019 Galerie Zacke
P. 114

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            Japan, late 19  CENTURY  -EIJI PERIOD              "Y 4OMOKAZU  IVORY NETSUKE
                                                          Japan, Kyoto, mid to late 19  century
            The small mask carver is working hard on a highly expressive mask,
            larger than the man himself, lying on the ground. The mask with   An unusual and fine netsuke depicting a monkey wearing a lion mask,
            courtly headpiece might be the thunder god Kaminari, also known   used for the Shishimai festival dance, while beating the drum before
            as Raiden. The demonic face with staring, black inlaid eyes under   him with a mallet. The Shishimai festival was imported from China
            wild bushy brows and mouth wide open. The work’s stunningly   during the Tang dynasty and is celebrated during the New Year to bring   148                                   149
            precise details are partly executed in a realist manner, like the spread,   good luck and ward off evil spirits. The jaw of the lion mask is hinged   AN AMUSING IVORY NETSUKE OF BLINDMEN SCUFFLING   A FINE IVORY OKIMONO NETSUKE OF A FRUSTRATED RAT
            muscular legs or the man’s face with an expression almost as wild   with a metal wire and the eyes are double inlaid in ivory and black   AND A DOG BY RYOJI                 CATCHER BY SEIKEI
            as that of the thunder god, possibly meant to depict the wind god   horn. Amazingly, the face of the monkey is carved inside the mask,   "Y 2YOJI  IVORY NETSUKE             "Y 3EIKEI  IVORY OKIMONO NETSUKE
            Futen. Signed on the underside on the mask GYOKUZAN.  and the eyes, as well, are inlaid in dark horn. The fur and paws of the   Japan, Tokyo, late 19  CENTURY  -EIJI PERIOD              *APAN    TH CENTURY  %DO PERIOD
                                                          monkey are finely carved, and the signature is found in a rounded
            HEIGHT 2.8 CM, LENGTH 4.3 CM                  reserve on one of the buttocks reading TOMOKAZU. Kano Tomokazu                    An entire group of blindmen, with closed eyes, bumps on their   The rat catcher, equipped with a large club, is holding down a box
                                                          from Gifu opened a school in Kyoto during the latter half of the 19               heads and empty expressions, pouncing on each other, two of   with one hand in an effort to catch the rat, which has escaped onto
            Condition: Excellent condition                century, and most likely this fine carving originates from this school.            them with clubs, one has fallen on his back, a small dog beside him.   his back. He is visibly frustrated, as he is exclaiming while turning
            0ROVENANCE  "RITISH PRIVATE COLLECTION WITH TWO VALUATIONS FROM                                                                 A masterful, minutely sculptural work with a dense composition.   his head and looking at the innocent rat which has eluded him.
            3OTHEBY S  BY .EIL +  $AVEY  DATED              INVENTORY NO      HEIGHT 3.2 CM                                                 A parasol and the himotoshi and the signature RYOJI in a rounded   The rat (nezumi) is a symbol of wealth and the companion of the
                                                                                                                                            reserve on the underside. The ivory stained and of a very good   LUCKY GOD $AIKOKU  4HAT MAY EXPLAIN WHY RAT CATCHERS HAD SUCH A
            Estimate EUR 800,-                            Condition: Excellent condition                                                    color with an excellent finish. The artist was a student of Ono   bad reputation, since he is usually depicted emaciated, ugly and
            Starting price EUR 400,-                      0ROVENANCE  "RITISH PRIVATE COLLECTION                                            Ryomin in Tokyo.                             demonic, as in the present carving. All eyes inlaid in dark horn, and
                                                                                                                                                                                         the signature on the underside SEIKEI.
                                                          Estimate EUR 600,-                                                                HEIGHT 4.8 CM, LENGTH 4.7 CM
                                                          Starting price EUR 300,-                                                                                                       HEIGHT 4.2 CM, LENGTH 5.6 CM
                                                                                                                                            Condition: Excellent condition
                                                                                                                                            0ROVENANCE  "RITISH PRIVATE COLLECTION       Condition: Minor age cracks, the bottom section of the club has
            147                                                                                                                                                                          been repaired and the top section reattached. Otherwise in good
            AN IVORY CHILDREN’S NETSUKE OF AN EGG TESTER                                                                                    Estimate EUR 1.200,-                         condition
            Unsigned, ivory children’s netsuke                                                                                              Starting price EUR 600,-                     0ROVENANCE  "RITISH PRIVATE COLLECTION
            Japan, 19  CENTURY  %DO PERIOD
                                                                                                                                                                                         Literature comparison: Compare to another netsuke by Seikei of
            A very small, probably a children’s netsuke, standing figurine of an egg tester, holding an egg                                                                               A RAT CATCHER  THOUGH IN WOOD  ILLUSTRATED IN THE "AUR COLLECTION
            against the sunlight, squinting one of his eyes and examining the egg’s quality and translucence.                                                                            Marie-Therese Coullery and Martin S. Newstead, Geneve, 1977,
            He is only wearing a loincloth and carrying a basket attached to a rope. The smallest details are                                                                            page 221, C 590.
            executed with the greatest precision. Fine patina and tiny himotoshi in the behind.
                                                                                                                                                                                         Estimate EUR 1.200,-
            (%)'(4     #-  ,%.'4(         #-                                                                                                                                             Starting price EUR 600,-
            Condition: One leg has been reattached, otherwise very good condition
            Estimate EUR 600,-
            Starting price EUR 300,-

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