Page 118 - Fine Japanese Netsuke, Sagemono, Oikimono April 29, 2019 Galerie Zacke
P. 118

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                                                                    A TALL AND FINE IVORY NETSUKE OF A                                      A RARE MARINE IVORY NETSUKE OF A
                                                                    DUTCHMAN WITH COCKEREL                                                  DUTCHMAN WITH A COCKEREL
                                                                    Unsigned, ivory netsuke                                                 Unsigned, marine ivory netsuke
                                                                    Japan, 18  CENTURY  %DO PERIOD                                          Japan, early 19  CENTURY  %DO PERIOD
                                                                    4HE TALL $UTCHMAN IS WEARING A LARGE TUSSLED                            4HE $UTCHMAN IS WEARING AN ALLONGE WIG AND A
                                                                    hat and has a humorous expression, typically                            large hat with tassels. He is holding a cockerel with
                                                                    caricaturized, with a large nose, wide-opened                           beautiful tail feathers visible on the back. Very
                                                                    eyes and compressed lips. He is holding a cockerel                      dense and precisely carved patterns on the garment,
                                                                    in his hands, probably referring to the pastime of                      small buttons inset with black horn on the reverse.
                                                                    COCKlGHTING IN THE $UTCH COMPANY  (E HAS CURLY                          $UTCHMEN WERE ONLY KNOWN TO NETSUKE ARTISTS FROM
                                                                    hair and the seam of his long coat is incised with                      the woodblock prints from Nagasaki and were
                                                                    fine waves, since they came to Japan from the                            the only Europeans allowed in Japan, after the
                                                                    ocean. He wears knee breeches, stockings and                            Portuguese were expelled in 1638.
                                                                    clogs for shoes. ‘Chimney himotoshi’ through the
                                                                    BACK AND UNDERSIDE  $UTCHMEN WERE ONLY KNOWN                            HEIGHT 7.2 CM
                                                                    to netsuke artists from the woodblock prints from
                                                                    Nagasaki and were the only Europeans allowed in                         Condition: Very good condition, two of the horn
                                                                    Japan, after the Portuguese were expelled in 1638.                      buttons on the reverse are lost
                                                                                                                                            0ROVENANCE  "RITISH PRIVATE COLLECTION 3OTHEBY S  BY
                                                                    HEIGHT 9.5 CM                                                           .EIL +  $AVEY  FROM              INVENTORY NO
                                                                    Condition: Very good condition, a minor                                 Estimate EUR 2.000,-
                                                                    imperfection by the tussle, expected minor age                          Starting price EUR 1.000,-
                                                                    cracks and the ivory with some wear and a fine
                                                                    Provenance: European private collection, Ex June
                                                                    Schuerch and previously acquired at Sagemonoya,
                                                                    Estimate EUR 3.000,-
                                                                    Starting price EUR 1.500,-

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