Page 220 - Fine Japanese Netsuke, Sagemono, Oikimono April 29, 2019 Galerie Zacke
P. 220


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                                                                                                                                            A FINE IVORY AND SHAKUDO      A RARE IVORY AND SHAKUDO      AN UNUSUAL KAGAMIBUTA
                                                                                                                                            KAGAMIBUTA NETSUKE            KAGAMIBUTA NETSUKE WITH AN    NETSUKE OF AN ONI AND FUTEN
                                                                                                                                            DEPICTING SHOKI THE DEMON     UNUSUAL REPRESENTATION OF     PLAYING KUBIHIKI
                                                                                                                                            QUELLER WITH ONI              FUTEN                         Unsigned, kagamibuta netsuke,
                                                                                                                                            Unsigned, kagamibuta netsuke with   Unsigned, kagamibuta netsuke with   metals, ivory
                                                                                                                                            shakudo, gold, copper and ivory    shakudo, gold, copper and ivory   Japan, 19 century,
                                                          284                                                                               Japan, 19  century,           Japan, 19  century,           %DO PERIOD
                                                          AN EXCELLENT KAGAMIBUTA NETSUKE OF A NIO GUARDIAN                                 %DO PERIOD                    %DO PERIOD
                                                          BY KIKUGAWA MASAMITSU                                                                                                                         An amusing kagamibuta depicting an
                                                          "Y -ASAMITSU  kagamibuta netsuke, wood, metals, gold                              Shoki has a full beard and wide hat,   This kagamibuta netsuke with a   oni and the wind god Futen playing
                                                          Japan, 19  CENTURY  %DO PERIOD                                                    his face showing a characteristically   shakudo lid shows the wind god Futen,   kubihiki, the latter recognizable by the
                                                                                                                                            grim expression. Shoki is a hunter   or Fujin, with his swelling windbag   bag of wind behind him, his clawed
                                                          An artfully and semi-sculpturally executed Nio, one of the two                    of demons, who in many depictions   behind him. The details in copper and   feet and the garland that surrounds
                                                          h"ENEVOLENT +INGSv  THE GIGANTIC  MUSCULAR GUARDIANS OF THE                       are a little craftier than he is. This   gold. Futen has a demonic appearance   him. Kubihiki is a game were two
                                                          "UDDHA STANDING AT THE ENTRANCE OF THE TEMPLES  4HIS Nio shows                    kagamibita netsuke shows a horned   in this work, with wild blowing hair,   contestants put a rope around their
                                                          a grim fierce expression and has a markedly athletic appearance.                   oni close beside him with a gleeful   although as god of winds he also   necks and try their strength by
                                                          He is holding a kongo  vajra) in one hand. The figure in copper,                   expression, its head made from   saved Japan from a Mongol invasion by   drawing. The reddish copper of the
                                                          the loincloth in shakudo and gold and the eyes inlaid in gold as                  copper. The demon and Shoki are   destroying war ships in a storm.   oni is pleasantly contrasting with the
                                                          well. Flowing celestial scarves. The background is chased. Signed                 executed in high relief, with an iris                       blackish shakudo. The oni’s horns, eyes
                                                          MASAMITSU on a small plate, for the artist from the Kikugawa                       shobu), which is meant to dispel   $)!-%4%2     #-         and the loincloth with gilding. Futen
                                                          family – a famous family of metalwork artists.                                    demons, behind them.                                        with gilt eyes and gilt garland.
                                                                                                                                                                          Condition: Good condition
                                                          $)!-%4%2   #-                                                                     $)!-%4%2     #-               0ROVENANCE  "RITISH PRIVATE COLLECTION  $)!-%4%2     #-

                                                          Condition: The bowl with minor surface scratches and a small crack,               Condition: The ivory bowl with a   Estimate EUR 800,-       Condition: The central part of the
                                                          otherwise excellent condition                                                     crack, and missing the central section   Starting price EUR 400,-  kagamibuta bowl has fallen out,
                                                          Provenance: The 40-Year Collection of a London Gentleman                          at the back, otherwise good condition                       otherwise good condition
                                                                                                                                            0ROVENANCE  "RITISH PRIVATE COLLECTION                      0ROVENANCE  "RITISH PRIVATE COLLECTION
                                                          Estimate EUR 2.500,-
                                                          Starting price EUR 1.250,-                                                        Estimate EUR 800,-                                          Estimate EUR 600,-
                                                                                                                                            Starting price EUR 400,-                                    Starting price EUR 300,-

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