Page 222 - Fine Japanese Netsuke, Sagemono, Oikimono April 29, 2019 Galerie Zacke
P. 222

                                                          A RARE KAGAMIBUTA NETSUKE WITH A TSUBA LID
                                                          DEPICTING BAT AND REISHI
                                                          Unsigned, kagamibuta netsuke with wood, iron, silver and gilt
                                                          Japan, 19  CENTURY  %DO PERIOD
                                                          A rare kagamibuta NETSUKE  hMIRROR LIDv NETSUKE   THE LID EXECUTED
                                                          in the shape of an iron tsuba of five-lobed stylized reishi shape and
                                                          with a closed hitsu  4HE TSUBA SHOWS A BAT  komori) in gilt copper,
                                                          symbolizing luck, above several reishi  LONGEVITY MUSHROOMS
                                                          executed in gilt silver and copper, overall representing luck and
                                                          a long life. The almost black, circular wood bowl has a striking
                                                          texture. A very rare composition and an ideal netsuke for a
                                                          A lot of kagamibuta were made by former metalwork artists, who
                                                          specialized in making sword fittings, as the demand for these
                                                          decreased and they were looking for new ways to ply their trade.
                                                          This piece is a brilliant example of an unknown metalwork artist
                                                          going back to his roots.

                                                          $)!-%4%2     #-                                                                   290                           291                           292
                                                                                                                                            A RARE IVORY AND SENTOKU      AN IVORY AND SHAKUDO          AN IVORY AND SHAKUDO
                                                          Condition: Very good condition, minor rust to the lid                             KAGAMIBUTA NETSUKE DEPICTING   KAGAMIBUTA NETSUKE WITH AN   KAGAMIBUTA NETSUKE DEPICTING
                                                          Provenance: Austrian private collection                                           DARUMA                        ACTOR IN A SHIBARAKU ROLE     TWO KAPPA VENDORS
                                                                                                                                            Unsigned, kagamibuta netsuke with bronze,   Unsigned, kagamibuta netsuke with   Unsigned, kagamibuta netsuke with
                                                          Estimate EUR 800,-                                                                silver and ivory              shakudo, some gold and ivory   shakudo, copper, some gold and silver and
                                                          Starting price EUR 400,-                                                          Japan, 19  CENTURY  %DO PERIOD              Japan, 19  CENTURY  %DO PERIOD              ivory
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Japan, 19  CENTURY  %DO PERIOD
                                                                                                                                            An unusual representation of Daruma   This kagamibuta netsuke shows in high
                                                          289                                                                               who has a headache and wrapped a cloth   relief the head of an actor playing as   This kagamibuta netsuke shows two
                                                          A FINE WOOD AND IRON KAGAMIBUTA NETSUKE OF A                                      around his bald head, almost looking like   Kamakura Gongoro Kagemasa in the kabuki   kappa vendors in the rain on the bank
                                                          MANDARIN DUCK                                                                     turban. His face also has non-Japanese   play Shibaraku. Kagemasa fought for the   OF A SMALL STREAM  "OTH ARE HAIRY AND
                                                          Unsigned, kagamibuta netsuke with wood, iron, silver and gold                     features as Daruma was of Indian descent,   Minamoto clan in the Gosannen war of   wearing loincloths, their legs showing the
                                                          Japan, 19  CENTURY  %DO PERIOD                                                    which is also indicated by his earrings. He is   Japan’s Heian period and was famous for   characteristic scales of these water demons.
                                                                                                                                            holding a silver die in the raised palm of one   losing an eye during battle. He is depicted   Two cucumbers – the kappa’s favorite
                                                          This small kagamibuta netsuke with a bowl made from dark wood                     HAND  $EEP RELIEF IN YELLOW sentoku bronze.  here with a grim face with gilt protruding   food – are seen on the edge of the stream.
                                                          with a beautiful grain, the “mirror lid” made from iron, decorations                                            eyes, one of them looking straight and the   The larger kappa is holding a bowl with
                                                          in shakudo and rich silver and gold, showing a mandarin duck on                   $)!-%4%2     #-               OTHER CROSSING  INDICATING HIS LOST EYE  AND   silver objects, the smaller one is wearing a
                                                          a rock underneath a Fuji tree with hanging blossoms and a peony                                                 wearing a hair helmet.        large hat and holding a silver sign with tiny
                                                          blossom in front of the duck, a rare bird in netsuke art, originating             Condition: The ivory bowl with a crack,                     characters. A variation of the oni nembutsu
                                                          from China.                                                                       otherwise good condition      $)!-%4%2     #-               motif, only with kappa selling wares.
                                                                                                                                            0ROVENANCE  "RITISH PRIVATE COLLECTION
                                                          $)!-%4%2     #-                                                                                                 Condition: The manju ivory bowl with some   $)!-%4%2     #-
                                                                                                                                            Estimate EUR 600,-            discoloration and cracks and the inside area
                                                          Condition: Excellent condition                                                    Starting price EUR 300,-      of the bowl with some glue residue; the lid   Condition: Good condition
                                                          0ROVENANCE  "RITISH PRIVATE COLLECTION                                                                          with greenish patina. Generally, in good   0ROVENANCE  "RITISH PRIVATE COLLECTION
                                                          Estimate EUR 800,-                                                                                              0ROVENANCE  "RITISH PRIVATE COLLECTION  Estimate EUR 500,-
                                                          Starting price EUR 400,-                                                                                                                      Starting price EUR 250,-
                                                                                                                                                                          Estimate EUR 500,-
                                                                                                                                                                          Starting price EUR 250,-

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