Page 106 - Bonhams Hong K June 2016
P. 106
25 The present lot took its inspiration from the very well-known preface
A CARVED BAMBOO 'ORCHID PAVILION' BRUSHPOT, BITONG Lanting Xu (Preface to the Orchid Pavilion) composed by the most
18th century celebrated Chinese calligrapher, Wang Xizhi (c.303-361), regarded as
Masterfully carved around the exterior in varying levels of relief 'the Sage of Calligraphy'. The scene illustrated on the brushpot took
depicting a continuous scene from the Lanting Xu, 'Orchid Pavilion place in the ninth year of the Yonghe reign, of the Eastern Jin dynasty,
Preface', enclosing a multitude of scholars engaged in leisurely when forty-two scholars were invited to the Orchid Pavilion (Lanting),
pursuits along a stream within a mountainous landscape with pavilions near Shanyin, Zhejiang province, for the Spring Purification Festival.
amidst jagged rockwork and dense clusters of pine and wutong trees, Scholars were required to take part in a poetry competition and a
all beneath billowing clouds. drinking contest with wine cups flowing down a winding creek; those
16.7cm (6 1/2in) high who failed to come up with a poem would have to drink in forfeit.
HK$100,000 - 150,000 本竹雕筆筒以東晉時期著名書法家王羲之的《蘭亭序》為題,主要雕
US$13,000 - 19,000 刻出「曲水流觴」的畫面。王羲之有「書聖」之稱,其代表作《蘭亭
十八世紀 竹雕「蘭亭雅集」圖筆筒 為膾炙人口的佳話,被後人極為推崇,常用以作為中國工藝品和繪畫
Provenance 來源: 來到「蘭亭」河邊修禊,飲酒作詩,把酒杯放在彎曲的水渠上游,任
Spink & Son Ltd., London, 1989 (label) 其順流而下,友人們環坐渠旁,酒杯流到誰面前,便由此人取來飲
酒。有關論述可詳閱G.Tsang and H.Moss,《Art from the Scholar's
倫敦古董商斯賓克,1989年(見標籤) Studio》,香港,2011年,頁66-69,圖版28。到了乾隆年間,乾隆
Exhibited 展覽: 可參閱N.Berliner,《The Emperor's Private Paradise: Treasures from
Spink & Son Ltd., London, The Minor Arts of China IV, 1989, no.21 the Forbidden City》,紐哈芬和倫敦,2010年,頁96-97。
倫敦古董商斯賓克,《The Minor Arts of China IV》,1989年,編號 栩栩如生,可見竹雕發展到十八世紀時已在中國工藝美術史上獨樹一
21(見標籤) 幟。