Page 107 - Bonhams Hong K June 2016
P. 107
26 此盒圓形,蓋微隆起,圈足,通體雕朱漆龍紋。蓋面圓形開光內雕水
A CINNABAR LACQUER 'NINE DRAGONS' BOX AND COVER 錦紋地,水錦以纖細曲線營造出波濤起伏之勢,上壓雕三龍戲珠紋,
Qianlong 蓋盒側也各雕三龍,九條五爪龍騰翔於雲海之中,雙目炯炯有神,氣
The domed cover densely carved in crisp relief with three scaly five- 勢磅礴,雲紋以三朵一組,疏落有致,盒內及底髹黑漆。此盒漆色鮮
clawed dragons writhing sinuously amidst ruyi-shaped clouds in 豔純正,構圖繁簡得當,雕刻精緻,刀法利落圓熟,整體動態十足,
mutual pursuit of a flaming pearl, against a background of tumultuous 呈現出匠師級極為嫻熟的工藝技巧,別具匠心,無疑是乾隆一朝繁華
foaming waves, the sides of the box and the cover similarly carved 盛世的直接體現。
with three striding dragons, the interior lacquered black.
26.6cm (10 1/2in) diam. (2). 龍為帝王皇權的象徵,被清代宮廷工藝品作為主題裝飾廣泛應用,漆
HK$200,000 - 300,000 材,有「龍生九子」或「九龍在天」之意;而「九」代表最高權威的
US$26,000 - 39,000 「天數」,用來形容天子至高無上的地位。早在宋代便見過以此紋飾
清乾隆 剔紅九龍紋盒 龍名重一時,現藏於美國波士頓博物館的《九龍圖卷》便是一例(博
Provenance 來源: 物院藏一清乾隆剔紅九龍寶盒,刻器名款及乾隆年製款,見台北國立
A European private collection 故宮博物院,《和光剔采 – 故宮藏漆》,台北,2008年,頁135,圖
歐洲私人收藏 7日,編號3639。
The nine-dragon motif refers to the nine sons of the dragon, longsheng
jiuzi (龍生九子), who are the mythological sons of the Dragon King.
Compare a related example of a cinnabar lacquer 'nine dragon' box
and cover, Qianlong and jiulong baohe (treasure box of nine dragons)
marks and period, illustrated by Lin Mun-lee, Carving the Subtle
Radiance of Colors: Treasured Lacquerware in the National Palace
Museum, Taipei, 2008, p.135, no.135. A related cushion-shaped
carved cinnabar lacquer 'nine dragons' box and cover, Qianlong, was
sold at Sotheby's Hong Kong on 7 April 2015, lot 3639.