Page 125 - Bonhams Hong K June 2016
P. 125

The fungus or lingzhi (靈芝) is a symbol of longevity, while bamboo, zhu     杯由亞洲犀角雕刻而成,口寬大,以鏤雕技法分別雕一竹幹及靈芝主
(竹), is a homophone for 'expressing good wishes', zhu (祝). Together        幹為杯柄,杯身則以浮雕技法雕如意雲頭形靈芝以及竹葉,另一面雕
they form the auspicious saying of 'birthday wishes', zhushou (祝壽).        二螭龍曲身盤遊於竹葉及靈芝之間,寓意「靈仙祝壽」,杯內壁一側
The superb carving on the present lot is a testament of the skill of the
master craftsman. The use of highly detailed and intricately carved        以鏤空枝幹為杯柄及杯底的形式,在明末清初時期之犀角杯上較為常
stems to form the handles and raised foot on floral-themed rhinoceros      見。此杯雖整體構圖形式簡潔,但形象生動,線條流暢,獨具匠心。
horn carvings was the predominant style since the late Ming dynasty.       以類似技法雕刻之明代晚期犀角杯,見台北國立故宮博物院藏一例,
Compare with a similarly carved rhinoceros horn libation cup with          著錄於《匠心與仙工:明清雕刻展象牙犀角篇》,台北,2009年,
magnolia motif, dated to the late Ming dynasty, in the collection of the   頁108-110,編號26。另見北京故宮博物院藏一件明晚期犀角雕螭龍
National Palace Museum, Taipei, illustrated by Chi Jo-hsin, Jiangxin       靈芝杯,著錄於《故宮博物院藏文物珍品全集:竹木牙角雕刻》,
yu xiangong. Mingqing diaoke zhan. Xiangya xijiao pian, Taipei,            香港,2002年,圖136。到了清代,犀角杯雕刻和佈局較明代更為繁
2009, pp.108-110, no.26. Both examples have very similarly worked          複,參考一犀角雕靈芝螭龍紋杯,著錄於Jan Chapman,《中國的犀
reticulated designs, and their interiors are lightly but skilfully worked  牛角雕刻藝術》,倫敦,1999年,頁165,圖204。
with simple petal or swirling motifs, unlike most other examples
which are left plain. See also the similar subject matter of chilong       另見倫敦蘇富比曾售出一件十七世紀犀角雕螭龍杯,2011年5月11
and lingzhi on a rhinoceros horn libation cup, jue, late Ming dynasty,     日,拍品編號24。
from the Qing Court Collection, illustrated in The Complete Collection
of Treasures of the Palace Museum: Bamboo, Wood, Ivory and
Rhinoceros Horn Carvings, Hong Kong, 2002, no.136. By the Qing
dynasty, in comparison with plainly carved Ming dynasty prototypes,
more complex and challenging decorative motifs were carved onto
the surface of rhinoceros horns. For another related cup carved with
chilong and lingzhi, see J.Chapman, The Art of Rhinoceros Horn
Carving in China, London, 1999, p.165, fig.204.

Compare a related rhinoceros horn 'chilong' libation cup, 17th century,
which was sold at Sotheby's London on 11 May 2011, lot 24.

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