Page 127 - Bonhams Hong K June 2016
P. 127

The striking quality of the present lot is evident in the remarkable       杯以亞洲犀角雕成,仿古代青銅爵或匜造型,撇口,斜腹,橢圓形
composition transforming the rhinoceros horn into an archaistic yi         底,足沿微凸,足底內凹。杯以天溝作流,地崗為柄,掏膛規整,杯
pouring vessel with generous curving rim, subtly carved on the exterior    內光素無紋,口沿內外壁飾雷紋一周。螭龍形杯柄,龍雙目圓瞪,嘴
with a trefoil diaper ground, accentuating the three-dimensional           銜口沿。杯身雕菊紋,杯流下方圓雕一瑞獸,頗具韻味。
monster-mask, reminiscent of archaic bronze handles. The superb
workmanship executed on the cup clearly demonstrates it was made           此犀角杯壁較厚,造型敦實,採用陰刻、鏤雕、浮雕以及圓雕等手
to be handled and admired from all sides.                                  法,並融合商周十七爵、匜等青銅器的因素仿古創新,構思巧妙,既
Rhinoceros horn libation cups carved with high relief mythical beasts      多見,常見紋飾多為鳳、螭龍等,其中兩例可見霍滿堂,《中國犀角
or animals are rare, but exist in phoenix, chilong, bird and deer forms;   雕刻珍賞》,香港,1999年,頁172-175,圖177及179。另見都柏
see T.Fok, Connoisseurship of Rhinoceros Horn Carving in China,            林切斯特比替圖書館收藏一件犀角杯,其形制及菊紋與此杯類似,見
Hong Kong, 1999, pls.172-175, 177 and 179. See also J.Chapman,             J.Chapman著,《The Art of Rhinoceros Horn Carving in China》,倫
The Art of Rhinoceros Horn Carving in China, London, 1999, p.149,          敦,1999年,頁149,圖175。邦瀚斯倫敦曾售出兩件十八世紀仿古
fig.175, for a related cup with similar diaper ground, from the Chester    犀角杯,亦有類似的菊紋,2013年5月16日,拍品編號361及2015年5
Beatty Library, Dublin. Compare also two related archaistic rhinoceros     月14日,拍品編號251。
libation cup, 18th century, with similar diaper ground, which sold in our
London rooms on 16 May 2013, lot 361 and 14 May 2015, lot 251.
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