Page 65 - Bonhams Hong K June 2016
P. 65
The present lot with its archaic bronze inspired fang hu form and 本拍品仿古彝器方壺形,主要裝飾為仿古饕餮紋,反映乾隆帝及乾隆
design of taotie mask on the main border embodies the artistic 朝慕古之風,乾隆帝提倡效上古聖賢之道,崇尚高古先民簡約樸實之
and historical preoccupations of the Qianlong period, reflecting the 風,認為古典器物樸素、精純、高雅、有意涵。
emperor's concerns with drawing moral strength and righteousness
from the examples of the ancients. 清宮舊藏一件清乾隆帶仿古款的碧玉雕仿古壺可與本器作對比,見
Compare a related archaistic spinach-green jade hu, Qianlong fang 對比一件清宮舊藏清嘉慶帶仿古款的碧玉雕蓋壺,著錄於《故宮博物
gu mark and of the period, from the Qing Court Collection, illustrated 院文物珍品大系:玉器(III)》,香港,1995年,圖版150。
in Compendium of Collections in the Palace Museum: Jade 10, Qing
Dynasty, Beijing, 2010, pl.6. See also a related spinach-green jade hu
vase and cover, Jiaqing fang gu mark and period, from the Qing Court
Collection, illustrated in The Complete Collection of Treasures of the
Palace Museum: Jadeware (III), Hong Kong, 1995, pl.150.