Page 70 - Bonhams Hong K June 2016
P. 70

The present lot is an exceptionally rare artefact of the Qianlong period,  瓶以紅碧石雕成,選料優良,以深珊瑚紅為主,間有紫斑。仿古壺
combining the Imperial taste for archaism with the opulence of the red     形,壺身微扁而寬,寬肩窄底,腹部淺浮雕獸面紋,近足部飾蟬形一
jasper stone, further emphasised by the generous use of the material.      周,頸兩側飾獸吞式耳,雕刻紋飾清晰奪目,造型清秀挺拔。此器色
Red jasper is a fine grained opaque form of chalcedony of a rich red       常,活潑中又不失穩重,是清代乾隆時期極其難得一見的珍品。
colour that occasionally contains dark grey or black stripes of quartz.
The material of the present lot is certainly among the best of its kind    紅碧石又稱碧玉(jasper),屬於一種不透明的玉髓;單色的碧玉非
with its lustrous red tone and attractive aubergine veins. For a full      常罕見,幾乎都參雜有各種顏色的條紋和斑點,而本器主要以紅色為
discussion of this material used in the Qing Imperial palace, see Chen     主,參以天然形成的紫色條紋,紋理脈絡分明,富於變化,美不勝
Xiasheng, Su gu hua jin tan gugong zhubao, Taipei, 2013, pp.111-112.       收,實屬上品。有關碧玉材料於清宮使用的論述,詳閱陳夏生著,
The idea of archaism, displayed on the present lot in the crisp carving
of the taotie masks and dragon-head handles, was particularly              本品為乾隆朝的仿古器物,從造型及所刻紋飾均顯乾隆帝崇尚慕古之
favoured by the Qing court during the 18th century, and much               風,認為古典器物樸素、精純、高雅、有意涵,為此曾命梁詩正等人
promoted by the Qianlong emperor. The emperor proposed to                  纂修《西清古鑑》,記錄清代宮廷所收藏商周至唐代青銅器過千件,
'restore ancient ways', referring to the view of ancient culture as        繼而為玉匠提供靈感,詳閱張麗端著《宮廷之雅:清代仿古及畫意玉
having intrinsic qualities of sincerity, simplicity and happy exuberance.  器特展圖錄》,台北,1997年,頁49-50;參看台北國立故宮博物院
See Chang Li-tuan, The Refined Taste of the Emperor: Special               藏一件清代石青孔雀石仿古紋瓶,其饕餮紋飾可資比較。這類紅碧石
Exhibition of Archaic and Pictorial Jades of the Ch'ing Court, Taipei,     在清代較常見於尺寸小的物件上,如鼻煙壺和扳指等,像此類形製碩
1997, pp.49-50. The present jasper vase shares the related form and        大和用料奢侈的器物在傳世品中極其罕見,且雕琢工藝水平精湛,其
similar carving style with some of the archaistic jade vessels of the      珍貴性不言而喻。
Qianlong period, which originally drew their inspiration from ancient
bronze vessels; see a white jade vase decorated with taotie masks          同樣雕有仿古獸紋及蟬形紋飾的器物,可參考北京故宮博物院藏一件
and cicada blades, Qianlong, illustrated in Compendium of Collections      清乾隆白玉雕獸面紋六棱壺,見《故宮博物院藏品大系:玉器編10·
in the Palace Museum: Jade 10, Qing Dynasty, Beijing, 2011, pl.9,          清》,北京,2011年,圖版9。以紅碧石雕琢而成的陳設器物傳世並
and another malachite vase also with archaistic taotie masks from the      不多,參見一件十八/十九世紀紅碧石桃形洗,藏於美國大都會藝術博
National Palace Museum, Taipei, illustrated in ibid, p.169. Compare        物館,博物館編號24.80.143。
also a red jasper flower holder in the shape of a peach tree, dated to
the 18th/19th century, in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
(accession no. 24.80.143).

              A malachite archaistic vase; image courtesy of
              the National Palace Museum, Taipei

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