Page 74 - Bonhams Hong K June 2016
P. 74

The superb carving and elegant shape of the present lot is an               此爐玉質溫潤細膩,玉色清白,底部微雜質,仿古代青銅鼎製成。口
exemplary work of art, representing the Qianlong emperor's passion          部圓形,有蓋,扁圓腹,腹部及蓋面均以淺浮雕琢仿古獸面紋並有六
for jade and his fascination with antiquity and archaism rendered by        組出戟,蓋頂飾如意紋,爐兩側雕豎立耳,下承三獸足。整體製作工
the skilful craftsmen who took inspiration from archaic bronze ritual       藝繁複,雕工精細,是宮廷中難得一見的精美陳設用品,置於皇帝書
vessels.                                                                    房、廳、堂的几案上。

This gesture to archaism demonstrates the Qianlong emperor's                乾隆帝嗜古如痴,崇尚慕古之風,認為古典器物樸素、精純、高雅、
interest in the perceived austerity and morals of ancient times, whilst     有意涵,為此曾命梁詩正等人纂修《西清古鑑》,記錄清代宮廷所收
the great lustre of the white stone as well as the exuberance and           藏商周至唐代青銅器過千件,繼而為玉匠提供靈感,詳閱張麗端著
complexity of the archaistic taotie design exhibit the extravagant taste    《宮廷之雅:清代仿古及畫意玉器特展圖錄》,台北,1997年,
of the Qing court at the height of prosperity. For a full discussion about  頁49-50。此爐正是受到此種審美影響下而產生的精美之作。
the Qianlong emperor's view of ancient culture, see Chang Li-tuan,
The Refined Taste of the Emperor: Special Exhibition of Archaic and         此類仿古獸面紋三足蓋爐的例子極為少見,松竹堂藏一件清乾隆白玉
Pictorial Jades of the Ch'ing Court, Taipei, 1997, pp.49-50.                雕饕餮紋三足蓋爐,其獸面紋飾以及爐側的豎立耳與本器可資比較,
Compare a white jade tripod incense burner, Qianlong period,                125,圖版106。北京故宮博物院藏一件清乾隆青玉獸面紋簋,其蓋頂
also carved with taotie motifs with comparable S-scroll ears in the         亦有類似的紋飾;再一件青玉爐亦飾有類似的朝冠耳,見《故宮博物
Songzhutang Collection, illustrated by T.Fok, The Splendour of Jade:        院藏品大系:玉器編10·清》,北京,2011年,圖版67及101。另見一
The Songzhutang Collection of Jade, Hong Kong, 2011, p.125, pl.106;         件類似的乾隆白玉雕仿古三足爐,著錄於《玉緣缘 : 德安堂藏玉》,香
see also a Qianlong period jade incense burner with related finial knob     港,2004年,編號100,後由香港蘇富比售出,2006年4月10日,拍
and another example with similar handles, illustrated in Compendium         品編號1509。更多例子可參考一件清乾隆白玉雕三足蓋爐,售於香港
of Collections in the Palace Museum: Jade 10, Qing Dynasty, Beijing,        邦瀚斯,2014年5月26日,編號100。
2011, pls.67 and 101; and see also a related white jade archaistic
tripod incense burner and cover, Qianlong, illustrated in A Romance
with Jade: from the De An Tang Collection, Hong Kong, 2004, no.100,
later sold as part of a three-piece garniture, at Sotheby's Hong Kong
on 10 April 2006, lot 1509.

A related white jade archaistic tripod incense burner and cover,
Qianlong, but carved with bird handles and ram heads on the cover,
sold in these rooms on 26 May 2014, lot 100.

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