Page 8 - The colours of each piece: production and consumption of Chinese enamelled porcelain, c.1728-c.1780
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                        Figure 4-1 The composition of relation among different studies. ....................................... 153
                        Figure 4-2 Canton: Swedish, British and Dutch Factories. c.1750. .................................... 157
                        Figure 4-3 Purchase price of cups and saucers at Canton from EEIC’s records. (taels of
                        silver) .................................................................................................................................. 164
                        Figure 4-4 A Porcelain shop, Canton, c.1730s. ................................................................... 166
                        Figure 4-5 The number of enamelled armorial porcelain of each decade in the eighteenth
                        century. ................................................................................................................................ 168
                        Figure 4-6 An order with detailed instruction and design. .................................................. 171
                        Figure 4-7 The design of arms of Tower family. ................................................................ 172

                        CHAPTER 5

                        Figure 5-1 Quantities of imported porcelain by the VOC and the EEIC, 1740-1760 (in
                        pieces). ................................................................................................................................ 178
                        Figure 5-2 Average price of single bowl in 1741-1761 in taels of silver............................ 182
                        Figure 5-3 Enamelled Porcelain dish, Inscription and flowers. .......................................... 189
                        Figure 5-4 Ovoid vase with four ladies and two children at a table and an inscription.. .... 190

                        CHAPTER 6

                        Figure 6-1 Two porcelain workshops at Canton. ................................................................ 197
                        Figure 6-2 A Hong Bowl and its details of the entrances of two streets, c. 1770. .............. 216
                        Figure 6-3 Porcelain trade of the VOC 1750-1780. ............................................................ 223
                        Figure 6-4 Imported enamelled porcelain pieces by the EEIC during 1750 and 1777. ...... 223
                        Figure 6-5 A porcelain shop fuyuan dian (福源店). ........................................................... 230
                        Figure 6-6 Painting shows the ovens of firing enamelled porcelain. .................................. 232
                        Figure 6-7 Potters painting porcelain, c.1770-1790. ........................................................... 233
                        Figure 6-8 Imported enamelled porcelain by the VOC and the EEIC between 1740 and
                        1780. ................................................................................................................................... 234

                        CHAPTER 7

                        Figure 7-1 A porcelain shop dacheng. Gouache on paper. ................................................. 243
                        Figure 7-2 A small enamelled porcelain cup, decorating two foreigners visit a shop.    . .. 243
                        Figure 7-3 A porcelain shop Guangfa, Gouache on paper. ................................................. 244
                        Figure 7-4 A porcelain shop waiting for foreign customers. .............................................. 246
                        Figure 7-5 A Canton porcelain shop. .................................................................................. 247
                        Figure 7-6 A porcelain shop. .............................................................................................. 248
                        Figure 7-7 Pattern plate, one of a series, porcelain painted in enamel colours and gilded. 251
                        Figure 7-8 Receipt dated 6 December 1760, from Lisjoncon. ............................................ 258
                        Figure 7-9 Three identified porcelain dealers’ network from Dutch VOC records, 1760s-
                        1790s. .................................................................................................................................. 260
                        Figure 7-10 A warehouse on the shore of the Pearl River. ................................................. 261

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