Page 10 - The colours of each piece: production and consumption of Chinese enamelled porcelain, c.1728-c.1780
P. 10

List of Maps

                        Map 1 Jiangnan area of Ming and Qing periods. ................................................................ 118
                        Map 2 Historical and Cultural areas of Jingdezhen. ........................................................... 141
                        Map 3 Water transportation routes of Jingdezhen porcelain during the seventeenth and

                        eighteenth centuries. ........................................................................................................... 146
                        Map 4 The Gulf of Canton (The Pearl River Estuary). ....................................................... 155
                        Map 5 Map of the Pearl River Delta related to the Canton Trade System (1700–1860s). . 239

                        Map 6 Map of the south China............................................................................................ 264

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