Page 15 - The colours of each piece: production and consumption of Chinese enamelled porcelain, c.1728-c.1780
P. 15

I have been fortunate to enjoy the benefits of assistance from many colleagues. I

                        am happy to thank Professor Shi Jingfei at National Taiwan University, Professor Paul

                        A. Van Dyke, Sun Yat-sen University, Professor Chen Kuo-Tung at Academia Sinica

                        for their thoughtful comments and advices. I would like to thank Jessica Harrison-

                        Hall, the Head of China Department, Curator of Percival David Foundation of Chinese

                        ceramics at the British Museum, for employing me as her volunteer, where I benefited

                        greatly in formulating my ideas and received curatorial trainings. I thank Dr Y u  Peijin,

                        senior curator of the National Palace Museum for valuable suggestions regarding my

                        research. I also thank Dr Luisa Mengoni, curator of Chinese ceramics in the Victoria

                        and Albert Museum, who showed me the Chinese export porcelain collection and

                        provided me with useful comments.

                            I would also like to thank my friends, Amy Evans, Ban Ban, Karolina Hutková,

                        Nicole  Chiang,  Liu  Siran,  Hong  Xuechong,  Lin  Simin,  Delphine  Huang,  Chen

                        Fangshuo,  Ivy  Chan,  Sophie  Mu,  Zhao  Han  and  many  others.  I  have  received

                        enormous courage and support from you. We shared so many memories, and so much

                        happiness and surprises together. I will always miss those times we spent together, I

                        am so grateful to be a friend with you.

                            My family has been encouraging, supportive and shown belief in me and my work.

                        I thank my parents, especially my mom. She has encouraged me all these years and I

                        would  not have made it  this far  without  her.  My  sisters  and brother have  always

                        supported me and loved me. I cannot be more grateful to have them in my life.

                            I thank my grandma Xiurong Dong, who has been with me through my childhood

                        when my parents were busy with work. She is the type of person I always wanted to

                        be. She inspired me in so many ways. No matter what has happened, she has always

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