Page 14 - The colours of each piece: production and consumption of Chinese enamelled porcelain, c.1728-c.1780
P. 14


                        In working on this thesis, I have accumulated debts to many people, who have turned

                        the last four years of my life into such an amazing experience.

                            First and foremost, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my supervisor

                        Professor Anne  Gerritsen,  who  has  been  patient  and  generous  with  her  time  and

                        knowledge. Without her constant and patient guidance, support and encouragement,

                        the thesis could not have been completed.

                            Many  other  people  in  the  Global  History  and  Culture  Centre  also  played  an

                        indispensable  role  in  helping  me  with  my  work.  I  would  like  to  express  my

                        appreciation to Professor Maxine Berg and Professor Giorgio Riello, who gave me

                        useful  suggestions  at  the time  of  my  upgrade  to PhD  status.  I  also  need  to  thank

                        Giorgio Riello for employing me as his research assistant in the initial stage of my Ph.

                        D study, which not only helped me financially, but also provided me practical with

                        research skills.

                            I would also like to acknowledge the Global History and Culture Centre, and the

                        China Scholarship Council for providing generous financial support to enable me to

                        undertake this research.

                            I would also like to thank my examiners Professor Maxine Berg and Professor

                        Christiaan Jörg for their insightful suggestions.

                            My special thanks go to Professor Liu Zhaohui, who was my mentor during my

                        undergraduate  study  in  Fudan  University.  He  encouraged  me  to  continue  my

                        postgraduate studies, and recommended Anne to me as my Ph.D. supervisor. I also

                        thank Dr Stacey Pierson, who was the supervisor of my MA studies in SOAS, from

                        where I have been inspired to pursuit an academic career.

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