Page 219 - Japanese marks and seals on pottery, paper and other objects.
P. 219

ISE  POTTERY.                        l8l

                                         N'o. 402.

                                         No. 410.

               Various forms of the word Banko,         copied from pottery
          made at Kuwana, Yokkaichi, and other places in the province
          of  Ise.   The   mark,   which   signifies  For  ever, or  literally,
          Ancient  ten thousand   [ban, ten thousand,   ko, old  or  ancient),
          is generally stamped     upon   the  wares, but sometimes      it  is
          painted   as  shown    in  example No.    402.    Upon   the  older
          specimens    the  form   given  in No. 401    is  used,  whilst  the
          other marks    are  found upon more modern        examples.
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