Page 381 - Japanese marks and seals on pottery, paper and other objects.
P. 381


           reign    the  present  period,   which   commenced    in  1868,  is
           named   Meiji, which   signifies a brilliant reign, an appropriate
           description  of that of Emperor Mutsuhito.
                Both the Zodiacal system and the Year          Periods are in
           constant use in Japan, and the      list of Marks in this Volume
           affords numerous instances     of their use upon works of      art.
           A complete    series  of  the former   is  given  in  the  following
           Tables,  but  it has   not been thought necessary to carry the
           Year   Periods   to  an   earlier  date  than   the  close  of  the
           fourteenth   century,  as those   before  that  period  are  of ^no
           practical use  in connection with    this Work.    The characters
           are  Chinese,  written  in  the  KaisJio  style.

                                  THE JIKKWAN.

                          JAPANESE   CHINESE                JAPANESE  CHINESE
           CHARACTER.                         CHARACTER.
                            NAME.     NAME.                  NAME.     NAME.

                          Kinoye       Ko                  Tsuchinoto   Ki

                          Kinoto       Otsu                Kanoye       Ko

                          Hinoye       Hei                 Kanoto       Shin

                          Hinoto       Tei                 Mizunoye     Jin

                          Tsnchinoye   Bo                   Mizunoto     Ki
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